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P. 29
Sustainable Development Framework and Policy
Social Aspect
Goal: Create Sustainable Society
Commitment: To create inclusive access to overall health and well-being for all
members of society throughout their lifetime and provide protection
and sustainable lives for employees.
Social Aspect comprises 4 main policies as follows:
1) Customer Health and Well-being
Positive impact on health and well-being of customers from products and services
which address physical health, mental health, financial security, and risk protection,
across different life stages. Promoting understanding and mindset of all population
groups on the importance of life planning and personal risk management, including
prevention and protection, through long-term insurance planning.
This policy addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
2) Human Resource Management
Human resource management to improve work efficiency, encourage them to develop
their abilities, recruit new staff with knowledge and competence suitable for the position,
as well as take care of employees equally by improving and enhancing welfare for
employees and their families. Promoting knowledge such as ESG, life insurance and
financial literacy among MTL’s employees and agents for their own life as well as ability to
give advice to others, and occupational health and safety at work are done. Furthermore,
development of new skills to support for Company’s evolving business is promoted.
This policy addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Corporate Sustainability Integration Department I Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited 11