Page 34 - Learning How to Photograph with your DSLR Camera 2nd Edition Jan 2021
P. 34
On most Nikons you can look at the
LED on top of the camera and use the
Command dial and subcommand dial
to adjust how many shots (3F in this
example) and how many EV (Stops)
apart (2.0 EV in this example.
Other Nikon models like the 3000
series you will have to use the menu
displayed on your LCD to set it.
Canon: Bracketing found in the Menu System
There are short cuts for Canon users to access this function like pressing the Q button if your
model has it. It is probably best to find in the Menu Settings and select it. Once selected you can
select how many EV’s apart you want your shot.
Regardless of which model you have; you may need to dig into the manual and study
how to set up Exposure Bracketing.
Once you have set the camera correctly to bracket your exposures, it is time to take the
photographs. If you choose to hand-hold you may want to brace your hand or support
your camera on something. This is important so that each photo will lie exactly on top
the others aligned with bottom images. Also, ensure each shot is using a shutter speed
fast enough to freeze movement, say for example, leaves on a tree moving with the light
wind blowing. If it is too windy you may have to come another time as if you have
movement in one photo, you will see that when all of them are merged in the HDR