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                        GRANT O’NEILL                                  ANGELA THOMAS

                         ACCOUNTANT                                       OPERATIONS
                  Grant  is  an  experienced  accountant
                  with more than 20 years  ’experience            Angela has worked for the Sanderson
                  gained  across  a  wide  range  of
                  industries  and  with  all  sizes  of           family  since  1990,  starting  as  a
                                                                  Waitress at their Redworth Hall Hotel
                  business  including  large,  complex
                  companies trading around the world.             venue.  Her  hospitality  skills  rapidly
                                                                  developed  and  following  regular
                  Prior to joining STR Group, Grant was           promotions,  she  was  appointed  as
                  in  practice  as  an  accountant,               Restaurant  Manager,  supervising  the
                  providing  a  full  range  of  tax  and         Hotel’s  Conservatory  600  cover
                  accounting  advice  and  support  to            Restaurant  and  the  fine  dining  Blue
                  owner-managed             businesses            Room  Restaurant,  a  role  which
                  throughout the North East of England,           included  the  management  of  the
                  including many in the hospitality and           regular  conferences  for  blue  chip
                  service industries. Grant is a strategic        clients including Rothmans, Redworth
                  thinker  who  is  always  looking  to           Cummings and Levi Jeans.
                  improve the quality and timeliness of           After  nine  years  at  Redworth  Hall
                  information provided to the rest of the
                  management team to ensure that they             Hotel,  Angela  moved  to  the  STR
                                                                  Group’s  Manor  House  in  1999  as
                  have  all  they  require  to  help  them        General  Manager.  In  2000,  she  was
                  achieve their short, medium and long-           promoted  to  Operations  Manager  of
                  term goals, whatever they may be.
                                                                  STR Group overseeing all the Group’s
                                                                  units  and  a  professional  dedicate
                                                                  team  of  around  210  managers  and
                                                                  staff combined, many of whom have
                                                                  also been with the company for many

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