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Stephen is an accredited IT Harry served his chef’s apprenticeship
Professional with Cisco Certification at the Ritz Club in London, gaining
and extensive knowledge in setting up valuable experience working for
and maintaining IT systems for various noted chefs in London before
multinational businesses based in travelling to Hong Kong to spend a
Abu Dhabi, Manila and London. year in Discovery Bay.
Stephen works very well as part of a
team and under tight deadlines. Returning to the UK, he worked at a
prestigious Durham City hotel and
Stephen has worked with computers was headhunted to help set up the
and networks for the last 20 years and catering operations at Durham County
has considerable software and Cricket Club catering for match days,
hardware knowledge ranging from functions and a bistro. Keen to set up
building and configuring professional his own business, he purchased a
flight simulators for Newcastle Airport listed building in Barnard Castle and
Flight Academy, to developing IT set up a 42 cover fine dining
systems for mission critical services restaurant. After five successful
on multi million pound projects for years, the opportunity arose to sell the
Black & White Engineering. business at considerable profit. He
then joined STR Enterprises launching
Stephen has a very good working the newly refurbished Honest Lawyer
relationship with the Sanderson family and has been promoted within the
and STR Enterprises and has been organisation to become the Executive
supporting and developing their IT Chef, with responsibility for all
systems for the last 10 years. catering operations.