Page 6 - MIADA-Q3-2022
P. 6
Solving Customer
Experience Challenges:
It’s Time for 21st
Century Customer
By Michael Fiorini, Regional Manager for Vanguard Dealer Services
As a result of digital engagement model precarious. There needs to be a transparent. Provide legitimate assurances.
opportunities, there have been significant more data driven approach to sales and The sales force needs to have a thorough
changes that have rapidly evolved the after market sales that focuses on the understanding about the products being
automotive customer experience. customer experience. Customers want to sold, the vehicles, how financing works,
Consumers simply won’t settle for good develop a relationship wherein they feel ancillary products, F&I product benefits,
enough. A large majority do their own assured that their needs are being met. and more. For internet sales and required
research and due diligence, knowing Staff expertise, service drive accessibility, return calls/texts, is your team doing their
exactly what they want and expect from data privacy and protection are all key homework before speaking to customers
a dealership. For dealers, understanding factors in today’s purchase process. and getting back to them in a reasonable
the expectations of these customers is and timely manner? Did you know that a
what makes a great versus good versus For dealerships, understanding sale is seven times more likely to occur if
mediocre customer experience. All having the expectations of customers a customer is responded to in less than 60
a huge impact on your dealership’s culture is what makes a great versus minutes?
and on your profits.
good versus mediocre RISK REDUCTION
Vehicle performance and price is still customer experience. FOR DEALERS
of primary importance, but a positive
customer experience has become critical ANTICIPATE YOUR As a dealer, you should evaluate the level
as well to make an initial sale, to start a CUSTOMER'S NEEDS of support you are receiving from your
relationship, and to make that person your partners and consultants. For example,
customer for life. Today’s buyers have Does your sales staff make customers skilled, knowledgeable representatives
set higher standards for dealers and the feel valued? Do they listen to and should be providing you with support by
dealership experience, both online and understand their needs? Do they way of F&I training and service training.
in the store. New consumers are looking show immediate action and provide Are your employees being trained
for connected and virtual experiences that solutions? Understanding the customer effectively on how to handle customers,
are efficient and timely. No one wants to experience is a core business strategy claims, and more?
spend hours in the dealership to purchase for dealerships today.
a vehicle. Research, in fact, suggests that How often do you see your representative,
after 90 minutes in a dealership, the It’s essential that customers are provided your trainer, and when are they present at
purchase experience declines along with with factual information, especially about your dealership?
the customer’s ratings. financial issues. Make it personal. Building
a strong connection by training your staff Are they experts, helping your
Disengagement, not driving customer to listen and get to know the customer. organization with everything from
loyalty to a store, makes the entire sales Salespersons need to earn their trust. Be conducting interviews and staffing, to