Page 7 - MIADA-Q3-2022
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claims, to choosing the proper reinsurance business. Provides an action plan and TRAINING YOUR STAFF IS
structure to fit your long-term goals? importantly, local support. Flexibility. IMPORTANT AND ONGOING
Regardless of whether you sell the Timeliness. Being there and being present.
factories programs or reinsure through a Untrained staff will have a negative impact
third-party administrator, you’re sending Further plaguing dealers is the issue of on customer service. Support by way
money to someone. What are you getting becoming noncompliant. Deal audits must of once-a-month finance only training
in return? Are they working for it? You be consistent on a monthly ongoing basis, is simply not enough. Your staff needs
expect excellence and hard work from with an in-depth quarterly audit process. training to include sales skills, customer
your employees. Your F&I partners who are not fulfilling service, product knowledge, internal
this obligation are not providing you with systems and processes, technology, and
The partners you choose optimal service. Look for a partner that automotive compliance.
should be held to those provides monthly finance meetings, recaps
with management verbal and written, asks
same high standards. what dealers’ agenda is and how can I help, Training is most effective when it is pre-
planned. As a first step the needs of
Continuity is important. understanding your goals, objectives and the dealership and its customers need
setting expectation and road map on how to be identified, and how they relate to
Strive to attain great support. Like your to get there. the functions of specific departments
customers, you shouldn’t settle for less. and individuals. That is the best way to
Align yourself with someone who knows When aligning yourself with a partner, assure they are managing your customers
your business inside and out. Can see check references, ask your colleagues for akin to your vision and are developing
issues coming up and solve for them recommendations. First and foremost, relationships for your brand. n
strategically and soundly. Will analyze your partners need to set up your
your processes, your products, can help dealership and your staff for success.
you define and develop areas within the
Mobile Dealer