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Digital Security

            in 3 Easy Steps

            By Maurice Hamilton

            Data breaches are on the rise across all industries. So, what can you do

              to be prepared? Start with education and staying up to date with the

              most common methods used to gain access to a company’s systems.

        On any given day, the typical retail au-  targeted. According to a 2018 report by  •  Malware: A program that is covertly
        tomotive F&I office receives upwards of  tech firm Cisco Systems - the number one   placed onto a computer or electronic
        1,000 pieces of sensitive customer data,  provider of servers worldwide - 53% of   device, with the intent to compromise
        including bank account numbers, credit or  midmarket businesses say that they have   the confidentiality, integrity or avail-
        other financial records, mortgage records,  suffered a cyber breach, at a cost of $1 -   ability of data.
        tax documents, wire transfer receipts, So-  $2.5 million. The Ponemon Institute, a  •  Phishing: A technique that attempts to
        cial Security numbers and photos of driv-  Michigan-based research group, found   acquire sensitive data with the perpe-
        er's licenses. But one little gap in the deal-  that in 2018, 67% of small to medium   trator posing as a legitimate business or
        ership’s IT security system can put those  sized businesses had suffered an attack.   person.
        valuable records at risk, exposing the com-  The  FBI’s Internet  Crime Report  found  •  Ransomware: A type of malware that
        pany to a data breach.               that more than 350,000 cyberattacks had   attempts to deny access to a user’s data
                                             occurred in 2018, costing over $2.7 bil-  and encrypts that data until a ransom
           Understanding your risks,         lion. More recently, 3,800 publicly dis-  is paid.
           and putting the necessary         closed data breaches occurred in the first  •  Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
                                             six months of 2019, exposing up to 4.1
                                                                                    Attack: A high-volume of unwanted
            prevention and response          billion records.                       traffic  that  ends  up  exhausting  the
           processes in place will be                                               bandwidth as well as the resources
             key to protecting your          So, what can you do to be prepared? Start   of a company’s systems, rendering
                                             with education and staying up to date
                                                                                    them unable  to respond to any  more
            business going forward.          with the most common methods used to   requests.
                                             gain access to a company’s systems.  •  SQL Injection Attack: By injecting a
        You may be asking yourself, “How perva-                                     malicious inquiry, the attacker can see
        sive are data breaches?”                         EDUCATION                  into the database as well as modify the
                                                                                    data, run any administrative command
        The answer is, “Very pervasive.”     According to cybersecurity firm Proof-  and even wipe out the entire database.
                                             point, more than 99% of cyber attacks rely  •  Man in the Middle (MITM) Attack: At-
        The fact is, data breaches are on the rise  on human interaction, such as opening a   tackers compromise a network and in-
        across all industries, and as we’ve seen  file, following a link, or opening a docu-  sert themselves between a client and a
        from  breaches  like  Experian  and  Target,  ment. The most common types of attacks   server, such as a WiFi network and the
        all companies, regardless of  size, can be  include:                        attached devices.

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