Page 7 - MIADA-Q2 2020-Draft 061420_Neat
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in, noting the general condition of the in-  wallet questions. Do not move forward  uct sales. This dealer insists that if an F&I
        terior and exterior without opening or get-  with the transaction until you can get a  manager conducts a menu presentation via
        ting into the car.                   successful clearance of both out of wallet  video conferencing as he or she would face
                                             questions and Red Flags.             to face, the customer will likely purchase
        After the test drive, the salesperson re-                                 products.
        turns to the dealership and all the plastic   4. Consummate
        and  rubber  are  properly  disposed  of  and   the Deal                  He conducts the menu process from begin-
        the vehicle is sanitized.                                                 ning to end using a video conferencing ser-
                                             With credit information in hand, negotiate  vice, using the word tracks for a standard
            3. Gather Credit                 the deal to agreement as if the customer  close. After the menu presentation, a sepa-
                Application                  were in the showroom. The salesperson  rate set of out of wallet questions are asked
                                             emails the final pencil to the customer for  and confirmation is retained in the deal.
        The salesperson resumes the sales and ne-  signature and return. The first and final
        gotiation process only after returning to  pencil do not contain non-public, person-  6. e-Contracting,
        the store as if the consumer were in the  al information and do not have a require-  e-Signing, e-Notary
        dealership. The sales manager generates  ment to safeguard the document.
        and emails a first pencil, using  the deal-                               Here is where the processes have disparate
        er’s standard rate and sight unseen trade   5. Share Voluntary            solutions. At last count, a consumer can
        allowance.                           Protection Products                  sign up to 100 times for a standard retail
                                                                                  financed deal. Getting all of those signa-
        When the customer wants a more specif-  Some F&I managers believe they cannot  tures on eDocs requires a bit of research
        ic payment quote, the F&I manager sends  sell voluntary protection products to re-  and perseverance. The dealers I spoke with
        a link to the customer to enter the credit  mote delivery customers. The dealer I  leverage RouteOne, Dealertrack, and their
        application information using a secured  spoke with about this process says his F&I  finance sources for e-contracting. They
        transmission source. Before sharing any  managers who have embraced this it are  generate other e-docs through their DMS
        further information, a manager sets up a  averaging three products per remote sale.  where available.
        video conferencing  session  and has  the  The F&I managers who have not embraced  Continued on page 12
        customer successfully answer the out of  the process continue to strike out on prod-

                                                                 Mobile Dealer

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