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         Digital Revolution

                                       is Upon Us

                                                       By Gil Van Over

           An unspoken truth is that         vendors have successful solutions to many  This digital road relies heavily on video
         sometimes a drastic, calamitic      of those pieces.                     conferencing capability. These  dealers are
                                                                                  using a mixture of Facetime, Skype, Go To
            action has to sideswipe a        Many dealers continue to use the “Road to  Meeting, and Zoom. It is also susceptible to
            process to speed up the          the Sale” model to sell and deliver a vehi-  fraud, identity theft, and Safeguards risks.
           evolutionary process. The         cle. Each step has its own set of processes
                                             and compliance requirements. Vendors are  The new process looks something like this.
        calamity known as COVID-19  working to digitize each step on the road to
             is acting as an agent of        the sale. These vendors still primarily rely   1. Attract the Lead
            revolutionary change in          upon the consumer traveling to the dealer-  The dealer still advertises via the usual
                                             ship to initiate and conclude the vehicle sale.
            dealer’s sales processes.                                             methods, and generates a number of leads
                                             Today’s reality, though, is that consum-  from these channels. When the customer
        The congrats messages on my two year an-  ers are being bombarded and conditioned  submits a lead, the assigned salesperson
        niversary are starting to fill my Linked-In  with messages from the likes of fast food  or BDC employee contacts the customer
        mailbox. I released Automotive Compliance  companies offering online shopping and  to set an appointment. If the customer is
        in a Digital World around this time in 2018.  delivery, to our doctors conducting assess-  hesitant to come to the dealership, then a
        One of the consistent themes in the book is  ments via video conferencing. This may  remote sale appointment is secured.
        that dealer sales and F&I processes are in an  change once the pandemic slows, but it
        evolutionary transformation from analog  may not.                              2. Present the
        to digital. An underlying suggestion in the                                         Vehicle
        book is that this evolution began more than  Some dealers are testing an approach in
        25 years ago when I worked on a project at a  reaction to the prevalent stay at home or-  The first option in presenting the vehicle
        major captive to move from paper contracts  ders and seeing some encouraging results.  is to demonstrate the features and benefits
        to laser-printed forms.              I spoke with a few such dealers and com-  for a chosen vehicle via a video conferenc-
                                             piled their processes.               ing service. Consumers who are brand
        Today’s reality, though, is that consum-                                  loyal, or are already sold on a particular
        ers are being bombarded and conditioned   The Digital Road to             model, may select this option. Other con-
        with messages from the likes of fast food   the Remote Sale               sumers are like my six-foot-tall friend who
        companies offering online shopping and                                    told me, “I have to test drive the vehicle to
        delivery, to our doctors conducting assess-  These dealers have historically been near  make sure I fit.”
        ments via video conferencing.        the bleeding edge of digital processes, and
                                             are probably better positioned than many  For a touchless test drive, the salesperson
        An unspoken truth is  that sometimes  a  to implement the “Digital Road to the Re-  goes to the customer. The vehicle is sani-
        drastic, calamitic action has to sideswipe a  mote Sale.” One dealer reports that to his  tized, then the steering wheel and seats are
        process to speed up the evolutionary pro-  surprise, even some of the more seasoned  wrapped in plastic. The salesperson (wear-
        cess. The calamity known as COVID-19 is  sales people are embracing this new pro-  ing disposable gloves) parks the vehicle in
        acting as an agent of revolutionary change  cess, citing the example of a senior citizen  the driveway, leaves the keys in the cup-
        in not only dealer sales processes, but in al-  sales person who sold two cars in one day  holder along with a spare pair of rubber
        most every aspect of our lives.      shortly after implementing this option.  gloves, exits the vehicle and stands at least
                                                                                  six feet away. She then calls the customer
            The Dawn of the                  To be sure – I am not suggesting that 100%  to come out and take a test drive and waits
            Digital Retailing                of future sales will use a remote sale op-  for the customer to return. Another dealer
            Business Model                   tion. I am not even predicting that a ma-  I spoke with is considering using a Bor-
                                             jority  of  future  sales  will  be  via  remote  rowed Car Agreement for the test drive.
        You are a witness to the dawn of the digi-  delivery. Heck, it could be like the electric
        tal retailing age. There are a lot of moving  vehicle option – attractive to some people,  If possible, the salesperson conducts a
        pieces in today’s digital process, and some  but limited in actual useage.  touchless appraisal on the potential trade

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