Page 6 - VIADA-Spring2018-Final 030518-web
P. 6
be very limited. (See page 20 for the ex- was probably announced before you receive
panded line of supplies available.) this magazine.
SYSTEM Be sure to read the legislative update. We
There is one area not quite as noticeable, are always monitoring legislation that im-
but will certainly improve the efficiency in pacts ALL independent auto dealers, and
the office. Since late February, we have been this is one of the main reasons dealers join
transitioning to a new customer manage- VIADA. If you aren’t a member, your con-
ment system that will increase productivity cerns are less likely to be heard by legisla-
and improve customer service. Once the tors. It is through our collective voices that
conversion has been completed, we will we are able to make an impact. If you know
reach out to all members, vendors, and someone who isn’t a member, please tell
customers either by mail or phone to up- them why you belong and encourage them
LEIGH DICKS, CAE date our records. It is imperative that all the to join.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, VIADA information in your record is accurate and
LEIGH@VIADA.ORG current and that we have a correct email ad- MEMBER ADVANTAGES
dress. Without an email, members are un- This issue of the magazine showcases sev-
Changes, changes and more changes! The aware of important and sometimes crit- eral of the preferred vendors that have been
first thing you should have noticed was the ical changes to regulations. For example, vetted by VIADA and offer services or pro-
new issue of the Virginia Independent News. VIADA had been notifying members for grams that benefit you in your dealership. A
With this issue and going forward, our over a year that the new Buyers Guide need- couple even provide money back in YOUR
new vendor, Professional Mojo, will be de- ed to be used beginning January 28, 2018. pocket! There are lots of reasons to belong
signing and updating all our publications. We sent out one last reminder email to our and if you’ve forgotten, your membership
(See their introduction article on page 20.) members and had 100+ members contact in VIADA ALSO includes membership
Sometime in April, you will also see a to- us to place a rush order because they were in NIADA. Between the two associations,
tally revamped website with new branding, unaware of the new Buyers Guide. Fines you have access to far more benefits and
up-to-date information easily accessible for not using the new form increased in services than the price of your $325 mem-
with areas “just for members,” information 2018 to $41,484 per occurrence!! bership dues!
for all dealers, and information to educate
consumers about the used car industry. DEALER DAY What we really want to know is, how can
Save the date for the May 8 Dealer Day we better serve you as an independent
FORM ORDERS in Charlottesville, which will have three auto dealer? What services do you need
When the new website goes live, you will educational tracks with three concurrent that we might be able to provide that you
notice another change. Orders for forms educational sessions in four time-slots for can’t get on your own? Do you need specif-
and dealer supplies will be placed on- a total of 12 topics from which to choose. ic educational topics with step-by-step in-
line through LewisColor also known as (See the back cover for more information.) structions? Are there other topics that you
CarDoozy, who will process your orders We will have 15 exhibitors who can tell you feel you need more information? Whatever
through their secure website and ship them about products and services that will help it is, don’t hesitate to let me know. The as-
directly to you. Walk-ins to the office will you in your business. Registration for the sociation is here to HELP YOU succeed so
still be handled, but on-hand supplies will event will be available on our website and tell me what you need!