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ating hours as allowed in the past. Anytime  allows flexibility, and should be considered  In summary:
        a dealership is closed, you must notify the  by dealers who are sole proprietors, as an  1.  Dealerships are authorized 20 excused
        MVDB by email (dboard@mvdb.virginia.  effective strategy to take care of dealer re-  closure days per license year.
        gov) or fax (804-367-1053). Submit the  lated or personal tasks outside of the deal-  2.  Dealerships will not be allowed to close
        closing date and time as well as the return  ership and still meet the minimum hours of   for short periods of time during sched-
        date and time by completing a MVDB 40,  operation as required by law.       uled opening hours without proper no-
        Dealership Notice of Temporary Closing                                      tice to MVDB. Any short or brief closing
        (03/01/2018) or an alternative notice with  The chart at the bottom is an example of a   will count towards your 20 closure days.
        the required information. The MVDB 40  split business hour schedule.      3.  The following are acceptable methods of
        or alternative notice is to be posted at or                                 notification to MVDB, Email: dboard@
        in close proximity of the dealership’s front  Keep the MVDB Informed or FAX 804-367-
        entrance so that it is visible to the public.  The Board strongly recommends that deal-  1053. To modify/update the dealership’s
        Dealers closing within 24 hours or less are  ers work closely with their local field repre-  current business hours or any other in-
        encouraged to text or call their local field  sentatives and central office staff to ensure   formation, send an email or fax to the
        representative in addition to submitting the  dealership’s current business hours, email   MVDB. The MVDB staff will update re-
        required information to the MVDB.  For  address, and other information on file is   vised business hours and will ensure the
        a current listing of field representatives  correct. In addition, submit the day(s) the   submission meets regulatory require-
        and their telephone numbers, visit www.  dealership will be closed to MVDB as soon   ments.  as possible.  The MVDB should receive  4.  Advance notification: Ideally the MVDB
                                             these submissions at least a week prior to   should be notified at least 7 days prior
        Twenty (20) Authorized Closings      the planned closing date, but will accept   to  scheduled  closing  of  the  dealership.
        per License Year                     them up to the day the dealership will   Complete the MVDB 40  or  an  alter-
        Recognizing that dealers do take time away  close. These best practices will help keep   native notice, submit to the MVDB by
        from their business, the Board will con-  you in compliance.                email or fax and post visible the MVDB
        tinue to authorize twenty (20) closings for                                 40 or alternate notice for the public at
        all  dealers per  license  year. As  previously  Educational Warning and Civil Penalty  or in close proximity of the dealership’s
        stated, completing the MVDB 40 is a con-  The Board, out of concern for consumers,   entrance.
        venient way to notify the MVDB; however,  the industry’s reputation, dealership suc-  5.  Immediate notification (less than 24
        if using an alternative notice, be sure the  cess, and Virginia’s economy, directed the   hours) – Complete the MVDB 40 or
        same information indicated on the MVDB  MVDB staff to implement the following ac-  alternative notice and email or fax it to
        40 is included. Upon receipt, MVDB staff   tions regarding Virginia Code §46.2- 1533   the Board. In addition, follow up with
        will automatically subtract the closing  violations:                        a text message or phone call to the lo-
        day(s) from the dealers’ 20 authorized clos-  •  1st violation: Dealer receives an educa-  cal Field Representative in your area to
        ings for the license year.               tional warning (email or letter notifi-  inform them that the dealership will be
                                                 cation)                            closed during normally scheduled busi-
        The Board reiterated that dealerships have   •  2nd violation: a $750 civil penalty (if   ness hours.
        the flexibility to maintain business hours   appealed, granted an informal hearing)  6.  Include on the MVDB 40 or alternate
        by using a “split” work schedule. A “split”   •  3rd violation: the dealer will be advised   notice, the date and time your dealership
        schedule may enable a dealer to conduct   of an informal hearing on 1533 viola-  will be closed and the date and time the
        routine business as well as other tasks (i.e.,   tions, Failure to Maintain Business   dealership will reopen.
        lunch, bank, medical appointments, etc.)   Hours                          7.  An accelerated penalty process is in
        outside of the dealership. A split schedule                                 place to address 1533 violations. n

         Posted Business Hours – Example of a split schedule

         In the example, the Business Hours requirements (§46.2-1533) are met. The dealership is open for 10 hours between the hours of 9 a.m. and
        5 p.m. Monday - Friday and is open for 10 hours over the weekend, for a total of 20 hours.

                                                                               THE VIRGINIA INDEPENDENT NEWS | SPRING 2018  |  7
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