Page 11 - VIADA-Spring2018-Final 030518-web
P. 11



        DOCUMENT RE:


         All Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealers      tablished in the business name, not an  have access to this email address for send-
          are required to have an Internet       individual.                      ing and receiving emails to the Board.
         connection and email address at
         their established place of business   The ISP can provide Internet connections  In  summary  there  are  three  important
          as of July 1, 2013. The purpose of   through the following means. Although  keynotes:
           this legislation was to increase   this list is not all inclusive, from studies  1.  An  Internet  connection  must  be  at
            efficiencies, facilitate better   presented to the Board, these are the most   your established at your place of busi-
           communication, and reduce         common means for which dealers in Vir-  ness and operating during your nor-
                costs for all parties.       ginia will be able to establish an Internet   mal business hours.
                                             connection with an ISP (broadband, wire-  2.  If you decide your smartphone (mo-
        In general, as defined, “Internet access” is  less, watellite, cable, or dial-up).  bile device) is how you will be com-
        the means by which individual terminals,                                     municating to the Board via the Inter-
        computers, mobile devices, and local area  When dealers have Internet service estab-  net, the smartphone must be present
        networks are connected to the global In-  lished, dealers may use devices to connect   (onsite) at the established place of
        ternet.  Basically,  it is  a source  through  to the Internet as a way of communicat-  business during your normal business
        which Internet users can access Internet  ing to MVDB and DMV using a comput-  hours. The smartphone account must
        services. Internet access is usually sold  er, tablet, smartphone (mobile) devices,   be in the name of the dealership.
        by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that  modem, and other wireless networking  3.  Internet and email authentication:
        use many different technologies offering a  devices.                         a. The Board has the responsibility to
        wide range of data rates to the end user.                                       verify your Internet connection and
                                             An email address identifies an email box   your email address. This will nor-
        Internet Service Providers (ISP) to estab-  to which email messages are delivered.  mally be done by your field repre-
        lish the Internet connection:                                                   sentative.
        •   Dealers can choose the Internet ser-  This official email address should be des-  b. Go to our website mvdb.virginia.
            vice provider (ISP) that will allow  ignated as the business email address   gov and sign up for the Dealer Talk
            Internet connectivity within the deal-  and NOT be identified to a specific indi-  newsletter, using your “official”
            er’s established place of business. The  vidual/person. An example of a business   dealer email.
            Internet connectivity will be required  “official” email address is MountainVal-  c. Use the MVDB-10 form during li-
            to communicate with the MVDB and at the dealership. The    cense renewal, or for any changes,
            DMV electronically. The dealer must  Board recommends you should not have   to transmit to the Board the Deal-
            establish the ISP account in the offi-  an email address associated with an in-  er’s “official” email.
            cial business or trade as name of the  dividual/employee such as jane.doe@aol.
            dealership. Your ISP should be able to  com, since a person may leave the dealer-  For the entire July 1, 2013 guidance docu-
            assist with establishing the business  ship causing difficulty with communicat-  ment, visit
            account for your dealership.     ing to the Board and the dealer having to  MVDB-49-46-2-1510.pdf. n
        •   For example, if you choose Verizon  establish a new email address. Please note
            FiOS, the Verizon account must be es-  it is the dealer’s responsibility to always

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