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The 72nd Annual NIADA

                                                                                                                                                              Convention and Expo

        LEGISLATIVE UPDATE                                                                                                                                                      JUNE 18-21

        2018 SESSION                                                                                                                                                             20 18

        The Virginia General Assembly began the
        2018 session on January 10th and conclud-
        ed on March 10th. This was the “long” 60-
        day session, rather than the 45-day “short”
        session. During long sessions, the General                                                                                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER:
        Assembly adopts the 2-year Appropriations                                                                                                   or call 1-800-682-3837
        Act (the state budget). Along with this ses-
                                                                                                                                                                            Register to attend by May 18
        sion being longer than most years, it was a                                                                                                For the Early Bird rate of $549 – and don’t miss out on our group discount opportunities
        change from ordinary Virginia politics.
                                                                                                                                                                     for additional attendees from your dealership.
        With a new Governor, Lieutenant Gover-
        nor, and a shift in power in the House of                                                                                                              BMSM: Buy More, Save More!
        Delegates, many  changes occurred  this                                                                                                           $549                  1  attendee     $549.00 each
        year. The November elections shifted power
        in the House of Delegates from a Republi-                                                                                                         $899                  2 attendees     $449.50 each        18% off
        can supermajority of 66-33 to a slim ma-
        jority of 51-49. That slim majority was de-                                                                                                       $1,299                3 attendees     $433.00 each        21% off
        cided by two recounts and, finally, drawing
        names from a choice of either of two film                                                                                                         $1,599                4 attendees     $399.75 each         27% off
        canisters out of a bowl on January 4th. This
        draw declared incumbent Delegate  David                                                                                                           $1,899                5 attendees     $379.80 each        31% off
        Yancey (R) the victor of the race for the                                                                                                   NIADA is Rewriting the Playbook for the biggest event in the used vehicle industry by coming together
        99th district. As you recall, last year several                                                                                             with the National Alliance of Buy Here-Pay Here Dealers to create a combined Mega-Conference that
        of our dealers in Tidewater hosted a fund-  Senate, and monitoring 7 bills in the House   •  SB873/HB627, which will exempt ve-                blends the power of NABD’s BHPH expertise with NIADA’s wide-ranging education agenda –
        raiser for this candidate - time well spent as  and 1 Senate bill. Furthermore, Governor   hicles sold on the basis of special order                           not to mention the largest Expo Hall in our history.
        shortly thereafter he was named Chairman  McAuliffe introduced his proposed bienni-  from being inspected prior to sale. So                  The used car game has changed drastically over the past few years and continues to change rapidly.
        of  the House  Transportation committee  al budget that was subject to hundreds of   far, both bills have successfully moved               To keep up – and thrive – independent dealers not only have to adjust the plays they’ve been running for
        that hears most of the bills impacting our  proposed amendments needing review.   through their houses.                                   years, they need an entirely new playbook. Come join us in Orlando and rewrite your playbook to success!
                                             Our priorities going into this session were to  If these bills are signed into law this spring,                         What’s in it for YOU?
        Del. Yancey’s election provided Repub-  protect and be the voice of independent au-  we are confident that they will have a posi-   3 of the industry’s best conferences under one    60+ education sessions covering topics such as hiring and
        licans a slim, controlling majority in the  tomobile dealers in the Commonwealth. We  tive impact on our industry.                roof as NIADA, NABD and FIADA come together at    retaining sales staff, BHPH collections best practices, certified
        House of Delegates. In addition to welcom-  have accomplished that through our support                                            the NIADA Convention and Expo to create a used    pre-owned sales and operations, alternative profit centers, pros-
                                                                                                                                          car Mega-Conference, offering the most complete
        ing 19 freshman delegates into the House,  of legislation that protects the industry. Here  One of the smallest but perhaps most im-  and up-to-date education available.  pects and sales, BHPH to LHPH, wage and hour issues, best prac-
                                                                                                                                                                                   tices for F&I sales, and many more.
        the  General  Assembly moved out  of  the  is an overview of that legislation:  portant actions of the Assembly so far took
        General Assembly Building and into “tem-  •  HB1178, which allows the Motor Ve-  place in the form of a simple text - one from      5 tracks of education to serve the needs of    The largest Expo Hall in NIADA Convention history, featuring more
        porary” offices in the Pocahontas building   hicle Dealer Board or any licensed mo-  the Chair of the House Transportation        all independent dealers: Retail, BHPH, Legal &   than 210 exhibitors offering the latest state-of-the-art products and ser-
                                                                                                                                          Compliance, CPO and digital.
        on Main Street. The General Assembly of-  tor vehicle dealer whose business has  Committee to one of our lobbyists. It was                                                 vices to help keep you ahead of the pack in today’s competitive market.
        fices and committee rooms will be located   been damaged to seek injunctive relief  simple: “how does the VIADA feel about                                    BOOK YOUR ROOM BEFORE MAY 1
        there for four years.                    against any person who engages in  SB873?” This shows that the VIADA con-                            To receive the NIADA/NABD room rate of $159 per night including resort fee.
                                                 business in the state as a motor vehicle  tinues to grow its visibility with the General               Rooms at the Rosen Shingle Creek will sell out quickly. Please book now!
        This has been a busy session for VIADA. At   dealer without a license;    Assembly and it doesn’t happen without a                                  No seriously,  you need to book your room ASAP!                                                                          Book your room before MAY 1
        the start of session, of the 2,864 bills intro-  •  SB 532/HB1413, which states no prop-  great deal of effort by staff and members.                Follow us on social media for Convention updates and registration giveaways!                               To receive the NIADA/NABD room rate of $159 per night
        duced and reviewed for relevancy, our team   erty owner shall sell five or more motor  Again, many thanks to those who stepped                                                                                                                                  including resort fee. Rooms at the Rosen Shingle Creek
        and Spotts Fain Consulting were actively   vehicles per property in a 12-month  in to host a local event for Del. Yancey. Now                                                                                                                                            will sell out quickly. Please book now!
        tracking 6 bills in the House and 2 in the   period if they are an unlicensed seller;  let’s replicate that effort statewide! n                                                                                                                                     No seriously, you need to book your room ASAP!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Follow us on social media for Convention updates and registration giveaways!
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