Page 6 - MIADA-Q4 2023
P. 6

Where Did My Google Traffic Go?

                                  If your Google search traffic has been declining, check your
                                  keywords and your rank report to get your full SEO picture.

                                  By Zach Billings

                  as your Google search traffic  The typical issue here is that your SEO  “for sale,” “near me” or other transaction-
                  been declining in 2023? If  vendor  is  actually  your  website  vendor  intent words. Examples might include
                  so, you’re not alone, and  or your Dig-Ad / SEM vendor, and SEO  “Ford Dealers,” “Silverados For Sale” or
        Hyou’re not the only dealer  is  just  a  cheap  bolt-on  offering  that  they  “Used Trucks Near Me.” If these types of
        who has noticed. So, what’s going on? Is  don’t put serious resources behind. A good  keywords are the focus, that’s good, but
        your marketing  vendor falling  behind?  rule of thumb is that if your SEO is OEM-  we’ll come back to a secondary concern in
        Did Google change something? Is the  approved or if it is performed by a vendor  a moment.
        site broken? There are some pretty simple  that  offers many  other  things,  the  SEO
        explanations for what’s happening, and it  service is usually an afterthought.  That’s right, where you
        is a real problem that started sooner than
        you probably realize.                           BS BUSTING                     rank is as important or
                                                                                                 more than how
                 MARKET EXCUSES              Alright, your traffic is down, and your            highly you rank.
                                             vendor always has a reason why. How do
        The most common explanation you’re  you know if their explanations hold water
        probably getting is  that  the  market  has  or if they’re just excuses? The key lies in   Keywords you should not be seeing are high-
        pulled back. You may have been told  the keywords your vendor says they’re   funnel or even irrelevant topics. These might
        that it’s no big deal and every dealer is  optimizing  for  and  where  on  a  map  you   include pages or blogs about towing capacity,
        experiencing this same thing. There’s  rank. Bear with me here; this will be easy   trim levels, EV ranges or local attractions.
        some truth in this, but it shouldn’t be an  to follow…                    Examples might include “Sierra HD Towing
        acceptable excuse if you’re paying for SEO                                Capacity,” “2023 Camry Options,” “2023
        (search engine optimization). If your SEO  The keywords and pages that your vendor   Mach-E Range” or “Top 5 Parks in Seattle.”
        vendor is getting the job done, you should  is focusing on need to be low-funnel if   These topics will only attract consumers
        at least be holding even in a declining  they’re going to impact your new sales,   doing research (or looking for a park…) and
        market, if not continuing to increase in the  used sales and/or RO count. Low-funnel   will attract traffic that does not convert, if
        areas that matter.                   keywords are those containing “dealer,”   they attract any at all.

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