Page 11 - MIADA-Q4 2023
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• Better Regulatory Compliance: Running detect the introduction of malicious and maintain the certifications that
a successful auto dealership also means software to safeguard the integrity of matter in document management. Auto
staying on the right side of regulatory software and data. dealerships should expect their document-
compliance. A dealership needs to have 4. Virus Controls: Virus-detection and management solution provider to maintain
all audit records and reports readily -prevention measures and appropriate these certifications, at a minimum:
available in order to meet various user-awareness procedures have been
standards set by the government and local implemented. PCI DSS
authorities. Not to mention, dealerships 5. Network Security Controls: Document-management providers should
need to have their records in place in case Appropriate controls ensure the show their commitment to secure processing
they face any kind of lawsuits. Using a security of data in networks and the and protection of information by completing
document-management solution makes protection of connected services from the Payment Card Industry Data Security
it convenient to catalog and retrieve all unauthorized access. Standards (PCI DSS) program. Through the
your company and dealer records that 6. 256-Bit Encryption: Data stored on the PCI DSS Program, several security and policy
might be needed in the event of an audit. file server uses 256-bit encryption. requirements must be addressed including
• No Lost Documents: One of the most 7. Secure Transmission: All access to data, firewall integrity, encryption
significant advantages of using a communication is delivered using of stored data, physical security and a wide
document-management system is the industry-standard TLS 1.2 range of business, human resources, and
elimination of piles of paper-based files. 8. Access Controls: User access to files policy issues. Annual audits by Qualified
They not only waste your employees’ is strictly granted on a permissions Secured Assessors ensure compliance with
time when they are trying to track basis where administrators can quickly the security and policy requirements of the
down old data but also put valuable make changes. PCI program.
information at risk of being misplaced 9. Active Directory Integration: You can
or lost. With a secure document- manage users from Active Directory, SOC 2 TYPE II
management system, all your files are ensuring you only need one user store. Annual audits ensure that document-
indexed and stored in a way that makes 10. Data-Handling Procedures: management providers have the policies and
retrieval really convenient. You can use Procedures exist for handling sensitive processes in place to ensure the operating
keywords, phrases or even simple text data to protect information from effectiveness of validated and tested controls.
searches to track a particular document unauthorized disclosure or misuse, A SOC-certified organization has been
within a few clicks. both when onsite and in transit. audited by an independent certified public
11. Operational Procedures and accountant who determined the firm has
BE PICKY ABOUT YOUR Responsibilities: Responsibilities and the appropriate SOC safeguard procedures
DOCUMENT-MANAGEMENT procedures are established for the in place. It requires companies to establish
PARTNER management and operation of all and follow strict information security
For all the security advantages involved computers and networks. policies and procedures encompassing the
with implementing document-management 12. Documented Operating Procedures: security availability, processing, integrity,
technology, you should be aware that not all Operating procedures are clearly and confidentiality of customer data.
solution providers employ the highest levels documented for all operational
of security that an auto dealership requires. computer systems to ensure their A robust document-management solution
correct, secure function. for an auto dealership cannot only simplify
Below are 14 key security measures that 13. Incident-Management Procedures: day-to-day activities, but also make sure
an auto dealership should look for in a Incident management responsibilities that data is fully protected. So, invest in a
document-management partner: and procedures are in place to ensure well-vetted document-managed partner
a quick, effective, and orderly response today. n
1. Security of Data Centers and to security issues.
Computer Rooms: Physical security 14. Data Back-Up: Documented Michelle Grondin has 26 years of marketing
for data centers and computer rooms procedures are established for taking and sales experience. As DealerDOCX’s
is established commensurate with regular back-up copies of essential Director of Sales, she leads sales and marketing
possible threats. business data and software to ensure efforts including business-development,
2. Media Handling and Security: that it can be recovered following a onboarding accounts, and consulting on
Computer media is controlled and computer disaster or media failure. intelligent document management and
physically protected to prevent damage business process automation. Grondin has
to assets and interruptions to business CERTIFICATIONS MATTER TOO spent seven-plus years in the automotive
activities. Certifications are not easy to obtain. An industry.
3. Protection from Malicious Software: enormous amount of effort, knowledge
Precautions are taken to prevent and and expense is involved in order to achieve