Page 14 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 14

J.M. Hemmings is as avid a reader as he is a
                                                                                                                                       writer. He reads slightly more non-fiction than
           it would not be my first tattoo                  hearted question, asking if I’m okay                                       fiction, but enjoys spending many hours losing
           either; that was a three-hour piece              as he beautifully mutilates me.
           done on my upper arm a few months                Nostrils  flared, teeth clenched                                           himself in both, and particularly enjoys books
           prior. The pain of the mechanised                against the raging petrol fire                                             about  history,  animals,  the  environment  and
                                                            devouring the entire left side of
           needle-weapon was different then;                my chest  and upper ribs, I nod and                                        ecology. Originally from South Africa, he lived
           a mild taster of what was to come,               gasp  out a  strangled  “yes” every                                        in  Taiwan  for  almost  a  decade,  travelled  in

           the first freebie a sly-smiling drug             time he speaks, even though  every                                         Asia and now resides in England with his wife
           pusher hands out, knowing you’ll                 fibre of my being silently howls and                                       and a feisty cockatiel. When he’s not reading,
           be back for a real hit soon with                 beseeches  me to get up  and flee,                                         writing,  or  thinking  about  writing,  he  loves
           a fistful of cash and a zealous                  cursing me for  the short-sighted                                          playing the drums, listening to music, drawing,
           look in your eyes. That ink had                  idiocy of choosing to sit through                                          cinema,  being  outdoors  in  nature,  and  riding
           been seared onto my skin in a quiet              a five-hour torture session.  Towards                                      motorcycles.             His      environmental-historical-
           studio, where I was spared the gaze              the end I am counting every second,                                        urban fantasy novel Path of the Tiger is available
           of thousands of eager eyes.                      my trembling fingers digging  into                                         from Amazon and other online ebook retailers.
                                                            the faux  leather of  the chair  in a
           Now my marathon of pain is a                     death grip. Reality and the realm of
           public spectacle, my half-nude                   nightmares and dreams have melded
           body spread across a pleather-                   in a  surreal  blend.  The ceaseless
           backed dentist’s chair. In addition              crowd flows by like a river of souls
           to the fiery stabs of the hammering              bound for the underworld. I feel as
           needles, I must contort my body                  if the pain will never end, that I’ve
           and hold it in an awkward position               been plucked from the present and
           to allow the tattooist to work                   thrust into some sort of purgatory
           comfortably; his living canvas must  realm … but then, abruptly, Shefu
           not shift and wriggle, regardless                Tsai gets up, steps  back, looks at
           of how much dull aching and sharp                the blood and ink on my chest and
           bursts of agony are throbbing in                 nods with satisfaction.
           my muscles.
                                                            He turns off his tattoo gun;
                                                            it is done. Finally, the elusive
           Shefu  Tsai works tirelessly. His                endorphins return to me. I am back
           hands have been on my bare skin                  in the present, and it has been
           for hours now, and his tools have                worth it; every precious, agonising
           broken my  skin  and  extracted my               second. Fresh ink,  dark  and  stark
           blood without pause for an entire                and sticky with blood … and despite
           afternoon. I am  little  more than               the lingering burn, I already hunger
           an inanimate canvas to him; every
           now and then he grunts out a half-               for more.
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