Page 17 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 17

WHITE GLOW                                        I reach for my mobile phone that is sitting

                                                   on top of the book next to my bed. I press
 SARAH YULE                                        into the button on the right side and
                                                   the  screen  lights up  to greet me with
                                                   the newest update: “Coronavirus takes
                                                   another 100 lives.” My brain begins to pick
                                                   up an anxious pace, repeating the worst
                                                   case scenarios; “Will I die today?”, “Will I
                                                   see my grandparents again?” then I close
                                                   my eyes. I focus on the rustling from the
 I wake up and look at the white wall ahead        trees in an  attempt  to  ground myself
 of me, which is coated in shadows created         back in my body. The sun’s glow heats my
 by the flickering leaves hanging from the         left cheek and I take a sip of water as I
 tree outside. For  a  moment everything is        feel the ice brush against my teeth.

 peaceful, the birds are chirping cheerfully       I glance down at my wrist to catch a look
 and the sun  is rising  to its daily spot. I      at the time, it’s 11:00am. I know I should
 think to myself, “The world is beautiful.”        go to the shop soon or else the thought
 Then, I stretch my legs over the soft             will prey on my mind for the rest of the
 blanket and poke them out onto the chilly,        day. I put on comfy clothes, some loose
 wooden floor. My eyes scan the room for           leggings and a pink t-shirt. The fabric is
 a cosy jumper to put on and then I see it,        tender and eases the panic that’s rising
 perched on top of the fridge projecting a         in my body. I take my black bag and head
 dull white glow as the early morning sun          towards the door.  Out  of the corner
                                                   of my eye I see  the  white glow pulsing,
 bounces off it. White, the colour of peace        reminding  me that I need  to take it. I
 and hope,  suddenly becomes something             take a deep breath and grab it in a swift
 frightening.  I direct my attention back          movement. I throw it into my bag and

 to the wall  and the flickering leaves to         scout the rest of my things making sure I
 remind myself  of  outside, where there           haven’t forgotten anything.
 is space and nature. Then  I realise I need
 to go to the  supermarket and my palms            As I take a  step outside, the rustling
                                                   leaves that I could see from my window
 break  into a  sweat.  The throbbing white        now tower over me, like warm arms
 glow in the corner of the room stares me          protecting a  newborn. Even when the
 in the face, taunting me with its presence        world is chaotic, mother nature is a
 and sending white sparks that set off the         constant comfort.  Instead of focusing

 anxiety in my head.                               on the beady eyes luring at me each time
                                                   someone passes by,  I direct  my  gaze  to
                                                   the  golden  retriever running  across
                                                   the park. Its bark helps numb the anxiety
                                                   whispering in my  ear,  “You are going to
                                                   get it.” I approach the end of the street
                                                   and freeze. The white glow is peering out
                                                   from my bag as I look down to the floor.
                                                   The shop is only half a street away and I
                                                   know I need to put it on soon.
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