Page 10 - DMEA Week 23 2022
P. 10

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       Liberia pledges to make few

       changes in fuel prices this month

        AFRICA           LIBERIA’S Ministry of Commerce and Industry   To this end, it said, the Ministry of Commerce
                         said in a statement on June 3 that it did not intend  and Industry has been working with importers
                         to make any drastic changes in the domestic fuel  with the goal of loading Liberian inventories
                         pricing regime before the end of this month.  with enough petroleum products to cover about
                           In the statement, the ministry explained that  two months’ worth of consumption. It did not
                         it would keep gasoline and jet fuel prices at their  comment on the success of these efforts but said
                         current levels until the end of June and would  it “appreciates those fully executing their supply
                         make a slight reduction in the price of diesel  mandate as licensed importers of [fuel]”.
                         fuel. It did not say exactly how large this price   Additionally, it said it would continue to
                         cut might be.                        inform the public as the situation unfolded.
                           The ministry stated that it had decided   It is not clear that the ministry’s statement had
                         against making major changes in the pricing  the desired effect. Front Page Africa reported on
                         regime in view of the “disruptions to the global  June 7 that while Liberian fuel inventories did
                         supply chain posed by COVID-19 and now the  appear to be filling up, local consumers were
                         subsequent Russia-Ukraine war, which greatly  also complaining of supply shortages, rising fuel
                         affects cost of freight and sourcing of commodi-  prices and knock-on effects, such as inflation
                         ties from international suppliers.” Despite these  in other sectors of the economy. Licensed fuel
                         challenges, it added, the government is commit-  importers are widely suspected of not upholding
                         ted to ensuring that the country has adequate  their promises to deliver gasoline and diesel to
                         supplies of fuel and other essential commodities.  retailers, it added.™


       Turkey’s Ege halts output citing raw

       material prices, sinking demand

        MIDDLE EAST      TURKEY’S Ege Gubre (EGGUB) has suspended  bans to a total of 38 agricultural items.
                         compound fertiliser production for an indef-  Input prices in the fertiliser industry have
                         inite period of time due to global raw material  increased by 700-800% while fertiliser prices
                         prices and demand conditions, the company has  have risen by 200-300%.
                         confirmed.                             Spring’s barley and wheat sowing in Turkey
                           Domestic demand contracted even ahead  fell due to record input prices led by fertiliser
                         of Ege’s budget forecasts. The company said it  prices.
                         would continue its fertiliser trading operations.  Izmir-based Ege Gubre has an annual pro-
                           Turkey’s chemical fertiliser consumption is  duction capacity of 306,000 tonnes. It also
                         expected to fall to 5-5.5mn tonnes in 2022 from  imports fertiliser and has a port.
                         6.4mn tonnes in 2021 and 7.1mn tonnes in 2020,   In 2021, it produced 118,000 tonnes, up from
                         BloombergHT reported on June 2.      115,000 tonnes in 2020, and sold 154,000 tonnes,
                           Some other fertiliser producers have also  down from 264,000 tonnes in 2020.
                         temporarily ceased operations this year due to   Ege Gubre is owned by Gencer Hold-
                         Turkey’s export ban and low domestic demand.  ing, which also owns fertiliser maker Bagfas
                           As of April 25, Turkey was applying export  (BAGFS).™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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