Page 12 - DMEA Week 23 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

                                           Deal to evaluate clean               Green Innovation Fund Project (Large-scale
       COMPANIES                                                                shipping facilities in the UAE as a part of
       Litasco considers moving  hydrogen supply chain                          demonstration of an MCH supply chain)
                                                                                which was adopted by the National Research
       trading HQ to Dubai                 between UAE and Japan                and Development Agency, the New Energy
                                                                                and Industrial Technology Development
       Litasco, the trading arm of Russia’s second-  The three companies Abu Dhabi National Oil   Organization (NEDO) Mitsui has been
       largest oil company Lukoil, is considering   Co. (ADNOC) of the UAE, ENEOS Corp.,   developing and participating in liquefied
       moving its trading headquarters from Geneva   and Mitsui & Co., Ltd., have formed a Joint   natural gas (LNG) projects in the UAE with
       in Switzerland to Dubai in the UAE, according  Study Agreement to begin evaluating the   ADNOC since the 1970s, and since 2017,
       to two market sources.              development of a clean hydrogen supply chain   through participation in the Advanced
         The sources said the trading arm is   between UAE and Japan.           Hydrogen Energy Chain Association for
       considering the move as increasingly more   The project aims to be developed in   Technology Development (AHEAD), the
       Russian oil is moving away from Europe and   two phases, with first phase utilizing by-  company has engaged in R&D for the large-
       into Asia, a trend set to increase as the EU   product hydrogen from ADNOC’s system in   scale transportation and storage of hydrogen
       phases out Russian seaborne imports.  Ruwais Industrial Area in Abu Dhabi, while   using MCH. In contributing to this project,
         Singapore, where Litasco already has   Phase 2 envisages greenfield blue hydrogen   Mitsui will draw on the knowledge and
       a major trading operation at Marina Bay   production from natural gas. The hydrogen   experience gained through these LNG and
       Financial Towers, is the primary trading hub   will be transformed to methylcyclohexane   hydrogen-related operations.
       for Asia, but most major trading outfits also   (MCH), an efficient form of hydrogen   The three companies aim to establish
       have offices in the Middle East, mainly Dubai.    transport vector to export to Japan. The   a stable and economically viable supply
         Litasco, which is not subject to Western   three companies will conduct technical   chain of clean hydrogen, leveraging their
       trade sanctions or other measures aimed   and engineering verification of a hydrogen   respective assets as well as their accumulated
       at Moscow, has seen its European business   production facility with a capacity of 50,000   technologies and knowledge to achieve carbon
       dwindle as many buyers and refiners in the   tons per year, and a feasibility study on the   neutrality.
       region have sharply reduced their dependence   potential to expand this facility to commercial   It can be transported and stored using
       on Russian oil.                     production of 200,000 tons per year.  existing refinery facilities such as tanks, pipes,
         Prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,   ADNOC is accelerating its efforts in   and wharfs, as well as petroleum and chemical
       Litasco would trade around 3 million bpd of   decarbonization, and in this regard CCUS   transportation infrastructure such as chemical
       crude and refined products, including Russian   options are being explored with an aim to   tankers and lorries.
       and non-Russian origin oil, according to S&P   establish a highly competitive blue hydrogen   ENEOS
       Global.                             supply business utilizing existing facilities
         Many of Litasco’s employees in Geneva   such as refineries and petrochemical plants.
       have recently been asked whether they will be   As part of these initiatives, ADNOC will be   REFINING
       willing to relocate to Dubai.       responsible for the hydrogen production
         The firm already has a presence in Dubai,   component of this joint feasibility study.  Nigerian military destroys
       based in the Dubai Multi Commodities   One of the ENEOS Group’s envisioned
       Centre (DMCC), which hosts a wide array of   goals stated in Long-Term Vision to 2040   40 illegal refineries
       commodities, trading and financial firms.  is contributing to the achievement of a
         This includes a number of smaller oil   low-carbon, recycling-oriented society, and   The Nigerian Army destroyed 40 illegal
       trading outfits, which have filled the vacuum   ENEOS Group are aiming to achieve carbon   refineries and arrested 21 people in a
       created by the large trading houses exiting   neutrality. ENEOS, is working to build a   continued clampdown against oil theft in the
       Russian markets.                    CO2-free hydrogen supply chain, will lead   oil-rich Niger Delta Region, the Ministry of
       QCI                                 the verification of MCH production and   Defense said.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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