Page 13 - DMEA Week 23 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

         Troops confiscated 107,400 liters of crude   and exposed workers to hazardous working   International with Engineering and
       oil, 456,450 liters of diesel, 6,250 liters of   conditions.             Energy and United Arab Emirates’ SDLE
       petrol and six trucks during the operation that   During the refinery process, involving   International.
       was conducted between May 19 and June 2.  boiling crude oil in metal containers, large   Obiang Lima expressed interest in gas
         “All recovered items and apprehended   amounts of soot are released into the air.   transportation through specialised tankers.
       criminals were handed over to the appropriate   The residue is then discharged to the river,   Commenting on Petrojet, the minister said
       authorities for further action,” said Benard   threatening wildlife and disrupting the water   he planned to finalise agreements in order to
       Onyeuko, the Ministry’s spokesman.  cycle. The boiling process, subject to no   reach a final decision.
         Oil theft, conducted through tapping and   temperature and pressure control, is highly   The minister from Equatorial Guinea also
       siphoning off official pipelines, is rampant in   vulnerable to explosions.  signed two agreements with Taqa’s Egyptian
       the region. According to estimates, US$3.2   These are often deadly.     arm on the development of LNG and CNG
       billion worth of oil was stolen last year,   In the most recent accident, on April 23, an   projects in the West African state.
       amounting to around 10% of oil export   explosion killed more than 100 people.  Taqa has delivered five CNG vehicles to
       earnings.                              Onyeuko said that the recent operation led   Equatorial Guinea, it said in May.
         Illegal refineries operate hidden in creeks   to a significant reduction in oil theft. However,   Egypt is preparing to hold COP27 in
       and hardly accessible forests of the Niger   it remains unclear whether this state of affairs   November. The two ministers discussed the
       Delta, often guarded by heavily armed   can be sustained without the root causes of   importance of transforming the African
       militias.                           the issue being addressed as well.   energy sector, although Obiang Lima made
         The clampdown has been underway since   OCCRP                          the case for continued investments into oil
       2021, when the military destroyed a total of                             and gas during the transition.
       1.423 refineries. People involved in oil theft                           ENERGYVOICE
       often see their activities as necessitated by a   FUELS
       dire social situation in the region.
         “We do it because we have no jobs,   Petrojet, Taqa sign deals on      PIPELINES
       understand?” an owner of an illegal refinery
       told Sky News.                      Equatorial Guinea work               Pipeline closures,
         The massive pollution caused by oil drilling
       has disrupted farming and fishing, two main   Egypt Minister of Petroleum and Mineral   maintenance drag Nigerian
       sources of income in the region.    Resources Tarek El Molla hosted his
         However, local communities have seen   Equatorial Guinea counterpart, Gabriel   oil output
       very little of the wealth generated by the   Mbaga Obiang Lima, yesterday. A statement
       industry, which is dominated by international   from Egypt said the discussions focused on   Nigerian crude oil output has plunged to new
       oil companies. Unemployment remains high   the trend of its increasing co-operation with   lows in recent weeks, hit by pipeline closures
       and poverty is soaring.             African states.                      and maintenance at major fields, industry
         Piracy, which the Niger Delta is notorious   El Molla said Egypt was ready to help on   sources said June 9.
       for, making the Gulf of Guinea the global   a number of fronts. The country could help   A senior official from the country’s oil
       piracy epicenter, has grown from the same   convert cars to run on CNG and training, in   ministry told S&P Global Commodity
       root. There is also an economic rationale to   addition to developing gas infrastructure.  Insights the fields that feeds to two major
       illegal oil refining.                  The two ministers also talked about how to   exports grade – Bonny Light and Qua Iboe
         Nigeria, albeit Africa’s leading oil producer,   move Petrojet’s plans forward in constructing   – were down on maintenance in May but
       imports more than 90% of domestically   the new refinery. The company was shortlisted   output was “gradually returning”.
       consumed oil. The paradox occurs because it   in March 2020 for a modular refinery at Kogo   Other industry sources said the Nembe
       has failed to develop a domestic oil-processing   South, in Bata.        Creek and Trans Forcados pipelines had
       capacity, despite large sums of money poured   The Egyptian statement said an economic   repeatedly come under sabotage, and flow
       into prospective refineries. This hikes up the   feasibility study was under way. This should   through the lines have been sporadic in the
       price of oil on the official market, making it   provide all the details needed to move the   past month.
       unaffordable to many.               project ahead, El Molla said.          Africa’s largest oil producer has had to deal
         Whilst the illegal refining industry offers   Other companies shortlisted for the   with a barrage of security, operational and
       a partial remedy to Delta’s social ills, it has   refinery work were the UK’s Rosslyn Energy,   technical problems at its key oil infrastructure
       also accelerated environmental destruction   a Spanish-Russian group of Selquimica   since early-2021.

       Week 23   09•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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