Page 14 - DMEA Week 23 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

         Crude and condensate production in   in the Niger Delta were also hampering   also fighting a wave of divestments from
       May fell 14% month on month to 1.279   the growth outlook for Africa’s largest oil   international oil companies.
       million b/d, according to Nigerian Upstream   producer.                    The government has had lofty targets
       Petroleum Regulatory Commission data.  In a recent note, Platts Analytics said it   to boost exploration and production and
         That was the lowest in more than three   expected Nigerian crude supply to rise to 1.5   increase oil reserves and output to 40 billion
       decades, according to estimates from S&P   million b/d from the fourth quarter of 2022   barrels and 3 million b/d, respectively, by the
       Global.                             from 1.4 million b/d in April.       mid-2020s. Those targets have started to look
         Nigeria has seen its crude and condensate   “Political risks may worsen ahead of   unachievable.
       production drop to almost half its production   elections in early 2023,” Platts Analytics said.   Nigerian crude is light and sweet, largely
       capacity of around 2.2 million b/d.  “Production has averaged about 300,000 b/d   low in sulfur, and yields a generous amount
         A majority of key oil fields, terminals and   below its OPEC+ quota since mid-2021 due to   of diesel, gasoline and jet fuel, which are the
       facilities have been experiencing teething   technical outages, theft and sabotage and force   profit-making products for global refineries.
       problems and a recent resurgence in attacks   majeure.”                  S&P GLOBAL PLATTS
       on oil facilities have exacerbated the situation.  The declining oil production comes
         Rising pipeline sabotage and insecurity   at a difficult time for Nigeria, which is

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2022
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