Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 44 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       reads without providing any details on the   Ukraine says Gazprom cuts   management board, said: “KazMunayGas
       outcome of the negotiations.                                             has a consistent and balanced approach
         Moldova requires approximately 1.3bn   supplies via country by         to the decarbonisation projects as part of
       cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas every                                  its adopted Low-Carbon Development
       year, or about 2.9bcm if the separatist   33% from Nov 1                 Programme. Cooperation with the world’s
       republic of Transnistria is included.                                    leading companies is a priority in studying
         In 2020, Gazprom supplied 3.05bcm   Russian gas giant Gazprom reduced transit   promising projects in this area.”
       of natural gas to Moldova (Transnistria   through Ukraine by another third from
       included), a 5.5% increase compared   November 1, to 57 million cubic meters
       to 2019 when it supplied 2.89bcm, the   per day, which is already almost half of   Azerbaijan triples revenues
       company noted."                     the transit capacity paid for by the Russian
                                           company, head of Ukrainian gas transport   from methanol exports in
                                           system operator Sergei Makogon said on
       Vitol wins auction and              Facebook on November 1.              September
                                              “The volume of transit from Russia to
       delivers natural gas to             the E.U. is constantly decreasing... Since   Azerbaijan in September exported methanol
                                                                                worth $15.7mn, according to the October
                                           November 1, transit through Ukraine has
       Moldova on October 27               decreased again, now to 57 million cubic   issue of the Export Review of the Center
                                                                                for Analysis of Economic Reforms and
                                           meters per day,” Makogon said.
       Swiss-Dutch energy trader Vitol won    Since October 1, transit through Ukraine   Communication. According to the issue, its
       the first auction organised by Moldova’s   has dropped to 86 million cubic meters per   worth amounted to $10.4mn, or three times
       state-owned company Energocom and will   day, while Gazprom pays for the transit   more than what was earned from methanol
       deliver 1mn cubic metres of natural gas on   capacity of 109 million cubic meters per   exports in the same month of last year.
       October 27, after Polish PGNiG delivered   day.                            Methanol is produced at the methanol
       the same amount of gas to Moldova on   “With such volumes … Gazprom will   plant of the State Oil Company of
       October 26 under a bilateral agreement.  undersupply about 5 billion cubic meters   Azerbaijan (Socar) in the Garadagh district
         The gas is intended to restore the   (of gas) to the EU until the end of May,”   of Baku. The plant, commissioned in 2013,
       pressure in the country’s gas transport   Makogon said.                  has been operating under the management
       system, which plunged after Gazprom                                      of Socar's subsidiary, Socar Methanol LLC,
       reduced deliveries to just two-thirds of the                             since 2016, and in August 2017 became the
       amount the country needs as of October 1.                                property of the company.
         The source of the gas was not revealed,   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH           The plant has the capacity to
       but Vitol is active in the Russian oil and gas                           produce 650,000-700,000 tonnes of
       market. PGNiG delivered gas to Moldova   CAUCASUS                        methanol per year. Natural gas and
       through Ukraine. For the price of "around                                saline water are used as raw materials in
       €1,000" per 1,000 cubic metres, the quantity   KazMunayGas and Linde     production.
       delivered by PGNiG was worth €1mn.
         Moldovan Deputy PM Andrei Spinu is   sign MoU on production of
       meeting Gazprom's CEO Alexey Miller on                                   Tatneft to help upgrade oil
       October 27, in St. Petersburg and he expects   green and blue hydrogen
       clarifications in regard to the continuation                             production infrastructure in
       of gas deliveries after November 1.  and ammonia
         Energocom received an MDL1.7bn                                         Turkmenistan
       (€85mn) capital injection, aimed at helping   Kazakh state-run oil and gas producer
       the company secure the necessary gas under   KazMunayGas and Linde have signed a   Turkmen President Gurbanguly
       the circumstances of Gazprom threatening   memorandum of understanding (MoU)   Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with
       to cut the gas supplies starting November 1.  to explore green hydrogen, blue hydrogen   government members and representatives
         No Moldovan official has yet      and green and blue ammonia production in   of Russian oil company Tatneft, AKIpress
       confirmed reports in the Ukrainian media   line with hopes of accelerating clean energy   has reported.
       that Naftogaz could deliver 700mn cubic   projects in the region.          Tatneft presented plans for a project
       metres of gas to Moldova if needed. But   The MoU outlines how a feasibility study   drawn up jointly with Turkmenistan’s
       this would be gas purchased from another   is to be carried out to evaluate the usage of   state-run oil firm. The project includes
       European supplier as Ukraine has no   natural gas as a feedstock for blue hydrogen   a modernisation of industrial and
       surplus. Ukraine has lent 16mn cubic   and blue ammonia and the usage of water   service infrastructure that would allow
       metres of natural gas (a tiny fraction   electrolysis technologies in creating green   Turkmenistan to double oil production in
       of 0.08% of its storage capacity) to help   hydrogen and green ammonia.  the future.
       Moldova restore normal pressure in its   Following the completion of the   The state-run company also plans to sign
       pipelines.                          feasibility study, the partnership is to focus   an agreement with Tatneft on repairs for
                                           on developing a green hydrogen and green   around 300 wells in order to restart drilling
                                           ammonia production plant in Kazakhstan.  operations.
                                              Alik Aidarbayev, chairman of KMG’s

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