Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 44 2021
P. 15

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Turkmen officials to visit          Mongolian president                  negotiations were done to settle the
                                                                                mentioned debt," the Iranian oil minister
       Kabul to discuss Taliban-           stresses importance of               noted. 

       backed TAPI gas pipeline            economic corridor with               SOCAR and BP discuss

       construction                        Russia, China

       Turkmen officials will visit Kabul this   The creation of a joint economic corridor   shipping of ACE platform
       week to discuss with the Taliban regime   with Russia and China running through   The support block of the ACE platform for
       continuing work on the Turkmenistan-  Mongolia will be of strategic significance   the ACE - Azeri Central East project will
       Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas   for the three nations, President of Mongolia   be dispatched to the sea in the coming
       pipeline, the Taliban government said on   Khurelsukh Ukhnaa said in an exclusive   months for its installation, said President
       October 27.                         interview with TASS first deputy director   of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan
         The pipeline is expected to carry 33bn   general Mikhail Gusman on October 28.  (SOCAR) Rovnag Abdullayev and BP Vice
       cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas per   "We are considering the matter of   President for Production and Operations
       annum along an approximately 1,800 km-  creating an economic corridor of three   Gordon Birrell. 
       long route from the world’s second-biggest   countries. As the president of Mongolia, I   The ACE - Azeri Central East project
       gas field Galkynysh in Turkmenistan to   believe this will be a critical item of strategic  is a joint SOCAR-BP project agreed on in
       the Indian city of Fazilka near the Pakistan   importance for Russia, Mongolia and   2017 for the ACG (Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli)
       border.                             China over time. Therefore, we consider   contract area, which is situated 120km east
         “We have been working hard for    the railway upgrade, with construction   of Baku. The ACG contract area is spread
       some time and we are ready to take pride   of new branch lines and parallel tracks,   across 432km² in the Azerbaijan sector
       in starting work on the TAPI project,”   and motorways and the gas pipeline from   of the Caspian Sea. It is centred on a new
       Mohammad Issa Akhund, the acting    Russia to China as highly important   48-slot production, drilling and quarters
       minister of mines and petroleum in the new   and proactively work on them,"   platform located mid-way between the
       Taliban government, said in a statement.  Khurelsukh said.               existing Central Azeri and East Azeri
         The Afghan stretch of the pipeline will   Mongolia is working on the task of   platforms in a water depth of approximately
       run south from the Turkmen-Afghan   becoming the transit state, he went on,   140 meters. The project is expected to
       border through the western Afghan city of   saying: "You probably remember that   achieve its first production in 2023 and
       Herat to Kandahar near the border with   I talked about that during the Eastern   produce up to 300mn barrels over its
       Pakistan.                           Economic Forum also. The shortest way   lifetime. 
                                           from Europe to Asia is through Mongolia.   According to a statement released by
                                           The shortest transport route between   SOCAR on October 26, various aspects
       Russia’s TMK to supply              Russia and China is across the expanses of   of the partnership between SOCAR and
                                                                                BP were discussed at the meeting. The
                                           Mongolia. We therefore keep a close eye on
       LD pipes for Turkmen gas            the development of the transit, logistical   sides especially discussed the progress of
                                           and digital potential in our country."
                                                                                exploration drilling in the shallow part
       turbine power plant project                                              of the Absheron Peninsula, as well as on
                                                                                the further increase in gas production in
       Russian steel pipe producer TMK has   Iran 'intent on settling gas       Azerbaijan, and its importance in meeting
       announced plans to supply 15,000 tonnes                                  the growing demand of the local and global
       of large-diameter (LD) high-strength   debts to Turkmenistan as          gas market.
       pipes with external insulation coating to                                  The statement also mentioned that
       Turkmenistan’s state-run gas company   soon as possible'                 SOCAR, in accordance with the new
       Turkmengaz for a gas turbine power plant                                 strategy, is studying the possibility
       project.                            Iranian Oil Minister Javad Oji has said   of ensuring the future energy supply
         The pipes will enable the transport of   Iran is determined to settle its natural gas   to the company's offshore oil and gas
       natural gas from Turkmen gas fields to the   dues to Turkmenistan as soon as possible,   infrastructure from renewable sources, not
       Zerger gas turbine power plant, which is   Iranian state energy news agency Shana has   gas.
       currently under construction in eastern   reported. Oji’s remarks were made after a   The ACG contract area is jointly
       Lebap Region.                       meeting with a Turkmen delegation headed   owned by BP (30.37%, operator), SOCAR/
         The collaboration is part of the   by Foreign Minister Rashid Muradov on   AzACG (25%), Chevron (9.57%), INPEX
       Central Asian nation’s Programme for the   October 26.                   (9.31%), Equinor (7.27%), ExxonMobil
       Development of the Oil and Gas Industry   According to Oji, Iran has two long-term   (6.79%), TPAO (5.73%), ITOCHU (3.65%)
       of Turkmenistan to run until 2030, along   (25-year) deals with Turkmenistan that saw   and ONGC Videsh (OVL, 2.31%).The
       with a programme to boost bilateral trade   Iran importing 40mn cubic metres (mcm)   $6bn project was announced following
       between Russia and Turkmenistan.    of gas on a daily basis.             an agreement with the Government of
         “A new contract for the supply of high-  "Unfortunately, in the previous   Azerbaijan for extending the operational
       tech products to Turkmengaz will promote   government, Turkmenistan's gas exports   life of the ACG field until 2049. The project
       the development of Turkmenistan’s energy   to Iran were cut off due to the delay in   is designed to process 100,000 barrels per
       infrastructure and expand its export   payment of Turkmenistan's dues," he said,   day of oil and 350mn scfd (million standard
       potential. We plan to fully deliver under the   noting that the issue was referred to the   cubic feet per day) of gas.
       contract as early as 2021,” Denis Prikhodko,   International Court of Arbitration and the
       TMK’s director of sales, said.      court determined the exact amount of Iran's
                                           debt to Turkmenistan.
                                              "Fortunately, with appropriate planning
                                           that we had already done, positive

       Week 44   03•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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