Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 44 2021
P. 11
Russian oil output inches
up in October
RUSSIA PRELIMINARY data from Russia’s energy quota of 9.8mn bpd.
ministry shows that the country increased pro- Russia and its OPEC+ partners have agreed
Gas production was up duction of oil and condensate by 1% month on to release a further 400,000 bpd of oil onto
4.6% month on month. month in October to 45.86mn tonnes (10.84mn the market in November. Russia’s share of this
barrels per day). increase is 100,000 bpd.
This also marks an 8.4% year-on-year Breaking down oil and condensate supply per
increase from the level in October 2020, accord- company, Russia’s two leading producers, Ros-
ing to the ministry’s CDU-TEK research centre. neft and Lukoil, increased flow by 0.4% and 1.7%
OPEC+ cuts only apply to oil production and respectively month on month. Surgutneftegaz
not condensate, and as CDU-TEK has not yet meanwhile ramped up supply by 1.4%, Gazprom
reported a figure for condensate only, Russia’s Neft by 0.4%, Bashneft by 5.3%, Slavneft by 4.3%
compliance with its quota cannot be assessed. and Russneft by 0.3%.
However, analysts at VTB Capital (VTBC) note Novatek and Neftegazholding meanwhile
that if the same figure for condensate flow in reduced flow by 1.3% and 0.3% respectively.
September was applied to October, then Russia Gas production in Russia amounted to
produced 10mn bpd of crude. But if it is assumed 65.81bn cubic metres (bcm) in October, mark-
that condensate flow increased, in line with ing a 4.6% increase month on month. During the
higher gas output, the brokerage estimates that first ten months of the year, output rose by 11.1%
output was broadly in line with Russia’s October to 625.67 bcm.
Russian gasoline output now
above pre-crisis level
RUSSIA RUSSIAN oil refiners increased gasoline pro- respectively in the two previous years.
duction by 4% in the first nine months of the year At the same time, the premium AI-100 and
Premium blends have to 30.1mn tonnes, energy ministry data shows, AI-98 blends have grown in popularity, although
also continued to grow meaning that supply has bounced back to the they remain a niche. They accounted for 1.4% of
in popularity. pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) level. production in January to September, versus 1.1%
They produced 2.6% more than in the corre- a year earlier and 1% in the corresponding peri-
sponding period of 2019, according to the minis- ods of 2019 and 2018.
try’s CDU-TEK think-tank. Production of AI-80 Russia began producing AI-100 in 2017, and
gasoline was lower year on year in 2021, but this since then, refiners have focused on expand-
was offset by a growth in output of AI-95, AI-100 ing output of this brand, while production of
and AI-98 brands. Over 95% of the gasoline pro- AI-98 has stagnated. AI-100 output was 294,500
duced in Russia is AI-92 or AI-95, and the share tonnes in January to September, 39% higher than
of AI-95 increased to 39% of the total in January the corresponding period of 2020. The growth
to September, compared with 34% and 32% in was partly thanks to the start of production at
the corresponding periods of 2020 and 2019. Gazprom Neft’s refinery in Moscow in October
The share of AI-92 meanwhile decreased to 59% 2020 and at Slavneft’s Yaroslavl refinery in Janu-
in the nine-month period, versus 63% and 64% ary 2021.
Week 44 03•November•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11