Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 44 2021
P. 11

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Russian oil output inches

       up in October

        RUSSIA           PRELIMINARY  data  from Russia’s  energy  quota of 9.8mn bpd.
                         ministry shows that the country increased pro-  Russia and its OPEC+ partners have agreed
       Gas production was up   duction of oil and condensate by 1% month on  to release a further 400,000 bpd of oil onto
       4.6% month on month.  month in October to 45.86mn tonnes (10.84mn  the market in November. Russia’s share of this
                         barrels per day).                    increase is 100,000 bpd.
                           This also marks an 8.4% year-on-year   Breaking down oil and condensate supply per
                         increase from the level in October 2020, accord-  company, Russia’s two leading producers, Ros-
                         ing to the ministry’s CDU-TEK research centre.  neft and Lukoil, increased flow by 0.4% and 1.7%
                           OPEC+ cuts only apply to oil production and  respectively month on month. Surgutneftegaz
                         not condensate, and as CDU-TEK has not yet  meanwhile ramped up supply by 1.4%, Gazprom
                         reported a figure for condensate only, Russia’s  Neft by 0.4%, Bashneft by 5.3%, Slavneft by 4.3%
                         compliance with its quota cannot be assessed.  and Russneft by 0.3%.
                         However, analysts at VTB Capital (VTBC) note   Novatek and Neftegazholding meanwhile
                         that if the same figure for condensate flow in  reduced flow by 1.3% and 0.3% respectively.
                         September was applied to October, then Russia   Gas production in Russia amounted to
                         produced 10mn bpd of crude. But if it is assumed  65.81bn cubic metres (bcm) in October, mark-
                         that condensate flow increased, in line with  ing a 4.6% increase month on month. During the
                         higher gas output, the brokerage estimates that  first ten months of the year, output rose by 11.1%
                         output was broadly in line with Russia’s October  to 625.67 bcm. ™

       Russian gasoline output now

       above pre-crisis level

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN oil refiners increased gasoline pro-  respectively in the two previous years.
                         duction by 4% in the first nine months of the year   At the same time, the premium AI-100 and
       Premium blends have    to 30.1mn tonnes, energy ministry data shows,  AI-98 blends have grown in popularity, although
       also continued to grow   meaning that supply has bounced back to the  they remain a niche. They accounted for 1.4% of
       in popularity.    pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) level.    production in January to September, versus 1.1%
                           They produced 2.6% more than in the corre-  a year earlier and 1% in the corresponding peri-
                         sponding period of 2019, according to the minis-  ods of 2019 and 2018.
                         try’s CDU-TEK think-tank. Production of AI-80   Russia began producing AI-100 in 2017, and
                         gasoline was lower year on year in 2021, but this  since then, refiners have focused on expand-
                         was offset by a growth in output of AI-95, AI-100  ing output of this brand, while production of
                         and AI-98 brands. Over 95% of the gasoline pro-  AI-98 has stagnated. AI-100 output was 294,500
                         duced in Russia is AI-92 or AI-95, and the share  tonnes in January to September, 39% higher than
                         of AI-95 increased to 39% of the total in January  the corresponding period of 2020. The growth
                         to September, compared with 34% and 32% in  was partly thanks to the start of production at
                         the corresponding periods of 2020 and 2019.  Gazprom Neft’s refinery in Moscow in October
                         The share of AI-92 meanwhile decreased to 59%  2020 and at Slavneft’s Yaroslavl refinery in Janu-
                         in the nine-month period, versus 63% and 64%  ary 2021.™

       Week 44   03•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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