Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US judge annuls Gulf of Mexico lease sale

        GULF OF MEXICO   A US federal judge has annulled the first Gulf of   Now, there is further leasing-related uncer-
                         Mexico lease sale held by the administration of  tainty following the latest court decision.
                         US President Joe Biden. The surprise decision  Judge Rudolph Contreras of the US District
                         marks the latest development in a saga that has  Court for the District of Columbia ruled to
                         been playing out since Biden took office just over  vacate Lease Sale 257 entirely, saying the US
                         a year ago.                          Department of the Interior (DoI) had failed
                           One of the Biden administration’s early moves  to properly account for the auction’s impact
                         was to launch a review of the federal oil and gas  on climate change. The ruling came in a legal
                         leasing programme and its impact on climate  challenge brought by the environmental group
                         change. Lease sales were initially suspended  Earthjustice.
                         while the review was underway, but a number   The Biden administration had used a years-
                         of oil and gas-producing states filed a lawsuit  old environmental impact statement (EIS) for
                         against the Biden administration, which led to  Lease Sale 257. Contreras found that the EIS did
                         lease sales being reinstated.        not take foreign consumption into account in its
                           The first offshore federal lease sale was held  analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as
                         November 2021, generating more than $190mn  well as not containing the latest findings about
                         – the highest figure since 2019, with stronger oil  the impact of oil and gas development on climate
                         and gas prices thought to be one of the major fac-  change.
                         tors behind the increase.              The Biden administration will now need
                           Around the same time, the Biden adminis-  to carry out its own assessment of the climate
                         tration published its review of the federal leasing  impact of lease sales and the production that
                         programme, proposing a number of reforms but  stems from them. It has not said how long such a
                         falling short of his campaign pledge to stop new  review would take or whether it would suspend
                         federal oil and gas leasing.         other federal lease sales in the meantime.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Enbridge partners with indigenous

       group on Alberta carbon storage hub

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S Enbridge has announced that  Cement unit followed last week.
                         it is partnering with the First Nation Capital   The FNCIP was formed by the Alexander
                         Investment Partnership (FNCIP) – a group  First Nation, Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, Enoch
                         formed by four First Nations – to advance the  Cree Nation and Paul First Nation to pursue
                         proposed Open Access Wabamun Carbon Hub  ownership in major infrastructure projects with
                         in Alberta.                          commercial partners. The carbon hub is the
                           In a February 3 statement, Enbridge said the  FNCIP’s first partnership. The Lac Ste. Anne
                         hub was being developed to support carbon  Métis Community will also have the opportu-
                         capture and storage (CCS) projects recently  nity to pursue ownership in future projects asso-
                         announced by Capital Power and Lehigh Han-  ciated with the hub, Enbridge said.
                         son Materials – and potentially other similar   “We see indigenous economic partnerships
                         initiatives. The hub is anticipated to provide a  like this as critical to advancing reconciliation
                         combination of carbon dioxide (CO2) trans-  and delivering world-class projects,” stated
                         portation and storage options. Enbridge said it  Enbridge’s executive vice-president and presi-
                         would be among the largest integrated carbon  dent of liquids pipelines, Colin Gruending.
                         transportation and storage projects in the world,   The FNCIP-Enbridge partnership comes as
                         with the potential to capture nearly 4mn tonnes  other initiatives to build a carbon hub in Alberta
                         per year (tpy) of CO2 emissions.     are also progressing. According to CBC News,
                           The announcement follows memoranda of  bids were due to be submitted to the government
                         understanding (MoUs) signed by Enbridge  of Alberta on February 1 for a CCS complex in
                         with both Capital and Lehigh in relation to  the province. In the run-up to the deadline,
                         the Wabamun Carbon Hub. The MoU with  a coalition of local indigenous groups was
                         Capital Power to collaborate on CCS in the  reported to be taking part, with major oil and
                         Wabamun area, close to Capital Power’s Gen-  gas companies having also expressed an interest
                         esee Generating Station, was unveiled in late  in participating. No further updates on this have
                         November. An MoU with Lehigh’s Lehigh  emerged as yet.™

       Week 05   03•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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