Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Newfoundland and Labrador not

       ruling out Bay du Nord participation

        NEWFOUNDLAND     THE government of Newfoundland and Labra-  subsea components were ongoing. Elsewhere, at
        AND LABRADOR     dor is not ruling out participating in Equinor’s  least one report said a contract had been awarded
                         Bay du Nord project in the offshore Flemish Pass  for the project’s topsides design.
                         Basin.                                 Meanwhile, a decision from federal Canadian
                           On February 3, CBC News quoted New-  Minister of Environment and Climate Change
                         foundland and Labrador Minister of Energy  Steven Guilbeault on whether the project will
                         Andrew Parsons as saying the option was there  receive environmental approval is anticipated
                         and no decision had been made on the matter as  soon – potentially in March.
                         yet. This is despite the province’s current finan-  Equinor had previously said that an FID is
                         cial challenges and a report from last year recom-  expected in 2022-23, with first oil possible by
                         mending that Newfoundland and Labrador exits  around 2028. And with oil prices strengthening,
                         its existing oil and gas investments.  the company could be encouraged to accelerate
                           This comes as Equinor, along with its Bay du  its schedule and is reportedly hoping to bring
                         Nord partners Cenovus Energy and BP, appears  the start-up date for Bay du Nord forward to
                         to be moving closer to a final investment decision  2027.
                         (FID) on the project. Equinor has said that KBR   The project is estimated to have a breakeven
                         and Aker Solutions are carrying out conceptual  price of $35 per barrel – well below current Brent
                         studies for a floating production, storage and  prices of around $91 per barrel as of February 3.
                         offloading (FPSO) vessel for Bay du Nord. CBC  Equinor has also said that it intends to make Bay
                         also cited an Equinor spokesperson as saying  du Nord one of the lowest-emissions oil projects
                         that planning and execution strategies for the  in Canada.™

       Earthstone to buy Bighorn

       Permian for $860mn

        PERMIAN BASIN    EARTHSTONE Energy announced on January  more than quadrupled our daily production
                         31 that it had agreed to acquire the assets of pri-  rate, greatly expanded our Permian Basin acre-
                         vately owned Bighorn Permian Resources for  age footprint and increased our free cash flow
                         around $860mn.                       generating capacity by many multiples since
                           Bighorn’s assets comprise roughly 110,600  year-end 2020,” stated Earthstone’s president and
                         net acres (448 square km) in the Permian Basin’s  CEO, Robert Anderson. “The proximity of the
                         Midland sub-basin, primarily in Texas’ Reagan  Bighorn assets to existing Earthstone operations
                         and Irion counties. The assets, which are close  positions us to create further value by applying
                         to Earthstone’s existing Midland operations, are  our proven operating approach to these assets,
                         about 98% operated and 99% held by production  primarily in the form of reducing operating
                         (HBP). Output from the properties is reported to  costs. The addition of the high cash flow pro-
                         have been about 42,400 barrels of oil equivalent  ducing assets from Bighorn to the strong drilling
                         per day (boepd) during November 2021, with oil  inventory of Earthstone, including the Chisholm
                         accounting for around 25% of this and liquids  acquisition, furthers Earthstone’s transforma-
                         comprising roughly 57%.              tion into a larger-scaled, low-cost producer with
                           The transaction is the latest in a series for  lower reinvestment in order to maintain com-
                         Earthstone, which closed four acquisitions in  bined production levels.”
                         2021 and has a further one – its acquisition   Earthstone will pay for Bighorn with a com-
                         of Chisholm Energy, announced in Decem-  bination of $770mn in cash and roughly 6.8mn
                         ber – still pending. The Chisholm assets  shares of its Class A common stock valued at
                         are located in the New Mexico portion of  $90mn based on a closing share price of $13.25
                         the Permian’s Delaware sub-basin, and that  on January 28.
                         transaction is due to be completed in this   Bighorn was previously known as Sable Per-
                         quarter.                             mian Resources and was taken over by JP Mor-
                           “Combining the Bighorn acquisition with  gan Chase & Co. in 2020 after the company filed
                         the four acquisitions completed in 2021 and  for bankruptcy protection but was unable to find
                         the pending Chisholm acquisition, we will have  a buyer, according to Bloomberg.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   03•February•2022
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