Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Pressure builds on Biden to

       prioritise climate and energy

       provisions of Build Back Better

       US President Joe Biden is under increasing pressure from his own party to

       prioritise the climate and energy provision of the Build Back Better bill

        US               PRESSURE is building within US President Joe   Time is tight. Congress faces a government
                         Biden’s own party for the White House to priori-  spending deadline in mid-February. The pan-
       WHAT:             tise the climate and energy provision of the Build  demic and Ukraine are burning and time-con-
       Biden is under growing   Back Better (BBB) bill, stalled for more than a  suming issues. Inflation is surging. Biden must
       pressure to prioritise   month in the US Senate.       announce a new Supreme Court justice, who
       climate change and   Moderate Democrats in swing seats have  then must be confirmed. And importantly, in
       energy provision in his   written to Biden urging him to move ahead with  early November most of Congress faces re-elec-
       Build Back Better bill.  the $555bn in climate investments. Other pro-  tion. After the vote, Democrats are no longer
                         visions in the $1.8 trillion package, such as the  expected to control both houses of Congress, a
       WHY:              child tax credit and a fee on methane emissions,  typical shift of power in a midterm election in
       Moderate Democrats   are more controversial.           the US.
       are pushing for climate-  The news is important because a path forward   Analysts are bullish. A “BBB 2.0” is likely to
       related investments in a   for the crucial bill, which would for example  emerge between Feb. 18 –the government fund-
       bid to create jobs.  extend and broaden Production Tax Credits  ing deadline--and Biden’s State of the Union
                         (PTC) for wind and solar, seems only possible  address on March 1, wrote Chris Krueger of
       WHAT NEXT:        if the White House jettisons the most contested  Cowen Washington Research Group, in a note.
       Given the Democrats’   elements.                       Benjamin Salisbury of Height Capital Markets
       narrow Senate majority,   It is also interesting that moderates in swing  wrote in a note. “We continue to see a better
       full support will be   districts have written to Biden. Their letter  than 50% probability that some pieces of the
       crucial but remains   shows how much support there is for green  BBB can become law,”
       elusive.          energy in moderate districts because of the   Biden had said at a press conference in the
                         domestic jobs it creates.            third week of January: “I think we can break the

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