Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil, Chevron see earnings

       bolstered by oil prices

       ExxonMobil and Chevron reported fourth-quarter profits, bolstered by stronger oil and gas

       prices, but some ongoing challenges have been reflected in the results

        US               STRONGER oil and gas prices continue to be  from operations reached $17.1bn, while over
                         reflected in oil and gas companies’ quarterly  the whole of 2021 it amounted to $48.1bn – its
       WHAT:             results. US-based super-majors ExxonMobil  highest level since 2012. The company said this
       ExxonMobil and Chevron   and Chevron both reported their results for the  more than covered its capex, debt reduction and
       posted fourth-quarter   fourth quarter of 2021 over the past week, with  dividend payments.
       profits.          both posting profits after losses in the same quar-  Looking ahead to 2022, ExxonMobil’s capex
                         ter of 2020.                         budget is $21-24bn. While this had been nar-
       WHY:                But while the outlook for the oil and gas  rowed down from a range of $20-25bn for each
       The US super-majors   industry has improved considerably over recent  year up to 2027, as announced in December, it
       benefited from some of   months, challenges still remain and commodity  still marks a 36% increase in spending on 2021.
       the strongest oil and gas   prices alone are not enough to guarantee per-  On the company’s fourth-quarter earnings
       prices in years.  formance. Indeed, Chevron’s earnings missed  call, ExxonMobil’s CEO, Darren Woods, said he
                         analyst expectations and its outlook for the  anticipated volumes in 2022 being “fairly con-
       WHAT NEXT:        year ahead pointed to further challenges that  sistent” with what the super-major had achieved
       Chevron’s production   weighed on its share price in the wake of its  in 2021. He added, though, that he expected the
       outlook points to some   results release. ExxonMobil fell short of ana-  mix within ExxonMobil’s volume profile to con-
       challenges ahead, but   lyst expectations on fourth-quarter revenues,  tinue improving, as well as earnings per barrel.
       both companies plan   despite beating them on earnings.  One area where significant growth is pre-
       to raise output in the   Nonetheless, both Chevron and ExxonMo-  dicted, though, is the Permian Basin. Woods
       Permian Basin.    bil demonstrated optimism over the coming  noted on the earnings call that ExxonMobil’s
                         year, including by unveiling plans to ramp up  Permian production had grown by over 25%
                         production in the US’ Permian Basin, even as  y/y in 2021. He said the super-major expected
                         smaller producers continue to act with more  its Permian output to grow another 25% in 2022,
                         restraint. Meanwhile, ExxonMobil’s announce-  “with a very tight control on capital”.
                         ment that it will restructure its operations shows   Current growth has been attributed in large
                         that cost-cutting continues to be a concern even  part to efficiency gains, illustrating that despite
                         as profits rise.                     a more bullish outlook, even the super-majors  Woods noted on
                                                              are not reverting to the pursuit of all-out shale
                         ExxonMobil                           growth. The move still suggests that the days   the earnings call
                         ExxonMobil reported fourth-quarter earnings  of strict shale production discipline could be   that ExxonMobil’s
                         of $8.9bn, or $2.08 per diluted share, up from a  coming to an end, but there are clear differences
                         historic $20bn loss a year ago. The latest result  between how shale drillers were behaving in the   Permian
                         represented its largest profit in seven years.  mid-2010s and today, as pressure to prioritise
                         Excluding certain items, earnings amounted to  returns has not gone away.  production had
                         $2.05 per diluted share, beating analyst expec-  ExxonMobil’s announcement that it will
                         tations of $1.93 per share as cited by Refinitiv.  restructure its business in an effort to further cut   grown by over
                         However, fourth-quarter revenue of $85.0bn fell  costs also demonstrates ongoing shareholder   25% y/y in 2021.
                         short of analyst expectations of $91.9bn.  pressure to retain discipline when it comes to
                           The super-major said its capital expenditure  spending. The announcement came separately
                         budget had reached $5.8bn in the fourth quar-  from the super-major’s earnings release, albeit
                         ter of 2021, up from $4.8bn year on year, and  during the same week.
                         that its production for the quarter came in at   Under the plan, ExxonMobil will combine its
                         3.8mn barrels of oil equivalent per day. This  refining and chemicals businesses into a single
                         marked a 2% increase on 3.7mn boepd a year  unit while putting its energy transition business
                         ago. Over the whole of 2021, its capex amounted  on the same footing as its upstream and prod-
                         to $16.6bn, while production averaged 3.7mn  ucts divisions. The move follows a shake-up of
                         boepd.                               the super-major’s board last year, which saw
                           In the fourth quarter, ExxonMobil’s cash flow  three nominees of activist hedge fund Engine

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