Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         No. 1 gain seats. Engine No. 1 believes that a  fourth quarter it came in at $3.7bn.
                         more aggressive pursuit of the energy transition   Chevron reported fourth-quarter production
                         will benefit the company’s profitability as well as  of 3.1mn boepd, down 5% y/y. The decline was
                         its standing on environmental issues.  attributed in part to the expiration of licences
                           Since the board shake-up, ExxonMobil has  in Indonesia and Thailand. Output also totalled
                         adopted a long-term net-zero emissions tar-  3.1mn boepd over the whole of 2021, but this
                         get, among other measures. The super-ma-  marked a slight increase on the previous year.
                         jor announced this week when it unveiled its   The super-major’s US output rose, spurred
                         restructuring plan that it was on track to exceed  by increases in the Permian Basin and a lack of
                         $6bn in structural cost savings in 2023 com-  extreme weather impacts in the Gulf of Mexico.
                         pared with 2019.                     Like ExxonMobil, Chevron anticipates contin-
                                                              uing to grow its Permian production in 2022,
                         Chevron                              albeit by a more modest 10% y/y, according to
                         Chevron, for its part, reported earnings of  Chevron’s chairman and CEO, Mike Wirth.  Overall, though,
                         $5.1bn, or $2.63 per diluted share, in the fourth   Overall, though, Chevron anticipates 2022
                         quarter of 2021, up from a loss of $665mn or  production remaining flat or falling by 3%,   Chevron
                         $0.33 per share in the same quarter of 2020. The  which  has also  been attributed  largely  to   anticipates
                         company’s adjusted earnings amounted to $2.56  the expiration of contracts in Indonesia and
                         per share, falling below analyst expectations of  Thailand.               2022 production
                         $3.12 per share, as cited by Refinitiv.  Jefferies analysts described the super-ma-
                           “The miss was driven by international  jor’s results as a “weak performance across the  remaining flat or
                         upstream primarily,” RBC Capital Markets’  board”, adding that the production outlook for
                         deputy head of European research, Biraj  this year would disappoint investors.  falling by 3%.
                         Borkhataria, was quoted by Reuters as saying.   Wirth noted, though, that he expected 2022
                         “Downstream earnings also disappointed, with  to be even better for returns to shareholders,
                         weakness across both refining and chemicals.”  talking up the company’s efforts to become
                           However, Chevron’s revenue came in at  more capital- and cost-efficient.
                         $48.1bn, exceeding analyst expectations of   Chevron’s results illustrate that higher oil
                         $45.7bn.                             and gas prices alone will not be enough to guar-
                           Over the whole of 2021, Chevron reported  antee a strong performance, despite improved
                         earnings of $15.6bn, up from a loss of $5.5bn  earnings and other metrics. Like ExxonMobil,
                         in 2020 and marking its best annual earnings  Chevron is expected to continue pursuing effi-
                         result since 2014. Its 2021 revenues amounted  ciencies and acting with some caution, while
                         to $162.5bn, up from $94.7bn the previous year.  also doing more on the energy transition than
                         Its capex for the year was $11.7bn – and for the  it had been previously.™

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