Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         [BBB] package up, get as much as we can now,  emissions by 50% from 2005 levels by 2030, says
                         and come back and fight for the rest later.”  analyst Rhodium Group.
                           More than 20 Democrats in the House of   The bill contains some $325bn of tax breaks
                         Representatives on January 31 wrote to Biden  for wind, solar and other clean energy, as well
                         insisting that the climate crisis requires aggres-  as for advanced manufacturing – including of
                         sive action soon. The bill is stalled in the Sen-  wind turbine components--and for electric
                         ate with one moderate Democrat from a small  vehicles. Current tax breaks for clean energy are
                         coal-producing state, Joe Manchin of West Vir-  expiring.
                         ginia, holding out.                   It would extend the wind and solar tax credit
                           He says inflation is too high, and especially  to 10 years. The credits would also be altered so
                         points to the child tax credit as too pricey and  they are available even to companies that do not
                         the methane fee as a job killer. His constituency  have tax liability.
                         has a considerable natural gas industry.  Manchin’s support is crucial, as the Demo-
                           “In the two months since the House passed  crats only have a 51-50 majority in the Senate.
                         the Build Back Better Act, mid-December tor-  Manchin who receives considerable private
                         nadoes killed at least 78 people in Kentucky and  income from coal and who is canny about
                         late December wildfires destroyed 1,000 homes  retaining support in his state.
                         in Colorado,” the lawmakers wrote.    The day after the letter from House members   Manchin’s
                           The letter continued: “The time for [Biden]  was delivered to Biden, he said when asked
                         to work with the Senate to finalise and pass  about a trimmed down BBB: “We’ll see what   support is
                         the strongest and most comprehensive ver-  people come with. I don’t know.” Of the entire   crucial, as the
                         sion of the [BBB] that can get 50 Senate votes  BBB package, he said: “What Build Back Bet-
                         is right now. We must seize this moment for  ter bill? There is no, I mean, I don’t know what   Democrats only
                         all Americans and enact these vitally impor-  you all are talking about … it’s dead.” It was his
                         tant climate investments into law in the com-  strongest language to date on the matter.  have a 51-50
                         ing weeks.”                           Congressman Mike Levin of California,
                           Tiernan Sittenfeld, the senior vice president  who leads the moderates who penned the let-  majority in the
                         for government affairs at the League of Conser-  ter on BBB, has said to Manchin: “The Amer-  Senate.
                         vation Voters, told CNBC: “We remain optimis-  ican people are broadly in support of [climate]
                         tic and are more determined than ever to ensure  investments because it’s all about global com-
                         that a transformational package can pass. Fail-  petitiveness and improving the long term eco-
                         ure is not an option. When it comes to the cli-  nomic position of America.”
                         mate crisis, time is not on our side.”  In late January, Biden met with 10 senior
                                                              executives including General Motors’ CEO
                         What next?                           Mary Barra, Ford’s CEO Jim Farley, Microsoft
                         The $555bn in climate and energy spending  President Brad Smith, and CEO
                         is the largest ever federal investment in clean  Marc Benioff. Other executives participating
                         energy. It would get the US approximately half-  were from: Corning, HP, TIAA, HP, Siemens
                         way to the Biden administration’s pledge to curb  USA and Etsy, according to MarketWatch.™

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