Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

         Distributable cash flow (DCF), a non-  pumping fleets,” said Joel Broussard, the   forward to a long-lasting collaboration that
       GAAP financial measure that represents the   company’s president and CEO. “US Well   will have real impact.”
       amount of cash generated during the period   Services is very excited to deploy the first all-  Under the agreement, Equinor and Battelle
       that is available to pay distributions, was   electric fleet in the Rockies. This Nyx Clean   will undertake feasibility studies to examine
       $297mn for fourth quarter 2021 compared   Fleet® will be used for simul-frack operations,   the regional potential for carbon capture and
       to $270mn for fourth quarter 2020. Free cash   and we look forward to demonstrating its   storage (CCS) and collaborate on stakeholder
       flow (FCF), a non-GAAP financial measure   best-in-class noise and CO2-equivalent   outreach.
       that represents the amount of cash available   emissions footprint over the course of the   Battelle is a leader in geologic carbon
       for distributions, additional expansion capital   project.               dioxide capture, use and storage with more
       opportunities, equity repurchases, debt   “Although our results for the fourth   than 100 projects worldwide over the past 20
       reduction or other partnership uses, was   quarter were significantly impacted by supply   years.
       $291mn during fourth quarter 2021 versus   chain-driven downtime, we are proud of the   Equinor has decades of experience with
       $226mn during fourth quarter 2020.  significant progress the company has made   CCS projects of various sizes, from research
         “Magellan finished the year with another   in reducing its debt load and are confident   and development to operations. Since 1996,
       strong quarter, generating financial and   that USWS is positioned to capitalise on the   Equinor has captured and safely stored more
       operational results that exceeded our   improving energy services market.”  than 23mn tons of CO2.
       expectations and solidified 2021 as a year   US WELL SERVICES, February 01, 2022  EQUINOR, February 01, 2022
       of robust demand recovery for the services
       we provide,” said Michael Mears, chief                                   Flotek and ProFrac team
       executive officer. “During 2021, Magellan   ENERGY TRANSITION
       returned a record $1.4bn of value to our                                 up to provide sustainable,
       investors through a combination of consistent   Equinor, Battelle to explore
       cash distributions and equity repurchases,                               vertically integrated
       an increase of 19% over 2020, all while   Appalachian Basin carbon
       maintaining the strength of our sector-leading                           solutions
       financial metrics. Looking ahead, we remain   capture, storage potential
       focused on maximising investor value, with                               Flotek Industries, a leader in technology-
       proven discipline and a resilient business   Equinor has signed a memorandum of   driven, specialty green chemistry solutions,
       model to serve the nation’s energy needs for   understanding (MOU) with leading science   announced today it has entered into a long-
       years to come.”                     and technology firm Battelle to advance   term agreement with ProFrac Services, the
       MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, February   development of a decarbonised regional   largest private North American provider
       02, 2022                            energy cluster in the tri-state region of Ohio,   of hydraulic fracturing services, to provide
                                           Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.     its full portfolio of sustainable chemistry
                                              “The Appalachian Basin is an important   solutions to a dedicated portion of ProFrac’s
       SERVICES                            energy-producing region that also shows   hydraulic fracturing fleets.
                                           great promise in being a leader for the   The partnership creates a compelling,
       US Well Services provides           decarbonisation of American industry,” said   vertically integrated solution to enable E&Ps
                                                                                to more sustainably develop natural resources,
                                           Chris Golden, Equinor US country manager.
       business and strategy               “Our regional hub vision will meet tomorrow’s  while reducing the total cost of ownership.
                                           energy demands while maintaining America’s
                                                                                The agreement leverages ProFrac’s leading
       update and announces                industrial competitiveness within a net-zero   market position and new technologies that
                                                                                significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
       preliminary selected                organisation with extensive experience in   emissions and increase efficiency with
                                              “Collaborating with Battelle, a like-minded
                                                                                Flotek’s green chemistries that reduce the
       unaudited financial and             key low-carbon initiatives, brings us closer to   environmental impact of energy by increasing
                                                                                customers’ operational and ESG performance
                                           delivering on our ambitions,” Golden said.
       operating data for fourth           global broad energy company, with offices   beyond existing sustainability practices.
                                              The partnership between Equinor, a
                                                                                  Under the terms of the contract, Flotek
       quarter 2021                        in Hannibal, Ohio and Triadelphia, West   will provide full downhole chemistry
                                           Virginia and Columbus, Ohio-based Battelle,
                                                                                solutions for a required minimum number
       US Well Services today provided updates   the world’s largest independent research and   of fleets for three years.  This creates an
       on recent commercial activity as well as   development company, will enable the timely   immediate expected contracted backlog
       capital markets and strategic alternatives. The   and progressive development of one of the   of revenue greater than $230mn, based on
       company also announced preliminary selected  first low-carbon industrial regions in the   estimated chemical volumes and pricing,
       unaudited financial and operating highlights   United States.            and is anticipated to represent annual
       for the fourth quarter of 2021.        “We’re thrilled to be working on such   recurring revenue in contrast to traditionally
         “We are pleased with the commercial   an important technology challenge with a   transactional purchases.
       momentum that US Well Services has built,   company of Equinor’s stature,” said John   FLOTEK INDUSTRIES, February 02, 2022
       and believe it demonstrates the continued,   Tombari, division manager for Battelle’s
       strong demand for all-electric pressure   Carbon Management business. “We look

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