Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            of just less than 3 miles is one of the longest of   disclosed.
                                           its kind.                              The Gilcrest System features more than
       Oasis Petroleum announces           service and help producers move more   38 mmcf per day of processing capacity, over
                                             “We are excited to put this project into
                                                                                100 miles of low and high-pressure gathering
       the closing of the OMP and          natural gas to market while reducing flaring   pipeline, and long-term acreage dedications
                                                                                in the core of the DJ Basin. With the
                                           in the Bakken region,” said David L. Goodin,
       Crestwood merger                    president and CEO of MDU Resources. “With   acquisition, Cureton now owns and operates
                                                                                more than 100 mmcf per day of processing
                                           this project, WBI Energy’s total pipeline
       Oasis Petroleum today announced the closing   system capacity is more than 2.4bn cubic   capacity, approximately 45,000 HP of field
       of the previously announced merger between   feet of natural gas per day, and its strategic   compression, and has over 225,000 acres
       Oasis Midstream Partners (OMP) and   location within the Bakken provides further   dedicated under long-term agreements with
       Crestwood Equity Partners. On December 20,   opportunities to continue expanding to serve   numerous high-quality public and private
       2021, Oasis filed pro forma financials, which   projected production growth. We appreciate   operators. The acquisition also provides
       illustrate the combined impacts of Oasis’ 2021   the ongoing support from federal, state and   access to strategic connections, creating a
       upstream acquisitions and divestitures as well   local officials for these types of projects and   capital efficient avenue for Cureton to connect
       as the OMP-Crestwood merger.        the economic and environmental benefits they  its growing production base to substantial
       OASIS PETROLEUM, February 01, 2022  provide.”                            unutilised processing capacity. In particular,
                                             WBI Energy and its contractors completed   the pro forma company’s more than 100 miles
                                           the North Bakken Expansion project under   of high-pressure trunkline connects the fast
       MIDSTREAM                           a shortened timeframe, reducing the original   growing Eastern and Northeastern flanks of
                                           construction schedule by two months, after a   the basin with its infrastructure-rich core.
       MDU Resources subsidiary            delay in receiving approval from the Federal   strategically enhance our operations and
                                                                                  “This is an exciting opportunity to
                                           Energy Regulatory Commission to proceed.
       finishes construction,              included construction of approximately 100   footprint in the core of the DJ Basin with
                                             The North Bakken Expansion project
                                                                                the highly complementary Gilcrest System,”
       begins transporting natural         miles of natural gas pipeline, a compressor   said Charlie Beecherl, president and chief
                                           station expansion, a new compressor station
                                                                                executive officer of Cureton Midstream.
       gas on ND pipeline                  and additional associated infrastructure in   “With this acquisition, we are uniquely suited
                                           northwestern North Dakota.
                                                                                to serve a growing base of customers and to
       WBI Energy, a subsidiary of MDU Resources   MDU RESOURCES GROUP, February 01, 2022  continue to provide the quality of service that
       Group, put the North Bakken Expansion                                    has distinguished Cureton in a competitive
       project into service today after completing   Cureton Midstream          market. The Aka team has been great to work
       construction and testing on the natural                                  with and developed reliable assets with a
       gas pipeline. The expansion has capacity to   acquires Gilcrest System   stellar operations team.”
       transport 250mn cubic feet of natural gas                                  Cureton Midstream is a portfolio company
       per day from the Bakken production area   from Aka Energy Group          of Tailwater Capital.
       in North Dakota, with the potential to be                                  Kirkland and Ellis served as legal advisor
       increased up to 625mn cubic feet per day   Cureton Midstream a growth oriented,   to Cureton Midstream.
       through additional compression if needed to   Denver-based midstream company focused   CURETON MIDSTREAM, February 02, 2022
       meet growing customer demand.       on developing and operating gas gathering
         As part of the project, WBI Energy and its   and processing infrastructure in Colorado,   Magellan Midstream
       main contractor, Michels, completed a 15,426-  announced that it has acquired the Gilcrest
       foot horizontal directional drill of a 24-inch   System from Aka Energy Group in the   reports fourth-quarter 2021
       pipeline crossing Lake Sakakawea on the   Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin on February
       Missouri River in North Dakota. The crossing   1, 2022. Terms of the transaction were not   financial results

                                                                                Magellan Midstream Partners today reported
                                                                                net income of $244mn for fourth quarter 2021
                                                                                compared to $184mn for fourth quarter 2020.
                                                                                Diluted net income per common unit was
                                                                                $1.14 in fourth quarter 2021 and 82 cents in
                                                                                fourth quarter 2020.
                                                                                  Diluted net income per unit excluding
                                                                                mark-to-market (MTM) commodity-related
                                                                                pricing adjustments, a non-generally accepted
                                                                                accounting principles (non-GAAP) financial
                                                                                measure, was $1.24 for fourth quarter 2021,
                                                                                which exceeded the $1.10 guidance provided
                                                                                by management in early November. Actual
                                                                                results benefited from additional refined
                                                                                products shipments, lower-than-expected
                                                                                expenses and improved commodity prices.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   03•February•2022
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