Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 26
P. 19

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       MOVES                               streamlining drilling and completion   TORC Oil & Gas announces
                                           operations, the addition of a construction
       Yangarra announces                  division and the benefit of the adoption of   completion of annual credit
                                           real time invoicing, Yangarra has moved
       completion of borrowing             away from a cash flow neutral budget to   facility redetermination
                                           one that generates monthly free cash flow
       base review                         of CAD1mn with that free cash flow rate   TORC Oil & Gas is pleased to announce
                                                                                the company’s credit facility has been
                                           accelerating during spring break up. All free
       Yangarra Resources has completed its annual   cash flow will be devoted to debt repayment.   confirmed at CAD425mn, with the
       borrowing base review and the syndicated   Capital spending decisions will continue to   borrowing base determination dates under
       senior credit facility has been confirmed   be determined by full cycle rates of return   the credit agreement to be amended to May
       at CAD210mn of which the company was   with a threshold of US$40/barrel WTI for   and November annually, from April and
       drawn approximately CAD195mn. The term   completions and US$45/barrel WTI for   October. TORC has received formal lender
       out date has been extended to May 28, 2021   drilling.                   commitments from all syndicate members
       and the maturity date has been extended to   The company’s banking syndicate is led   and expects credit documentation to be
       May 28, 2022. The only changes to terms   by Alberta Treasury Branches and includes   completed by July 3, 2020.
       and conditions are to the interest rate grid   Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and   TORC Oil & Gas is a Calgary-based
       and the elimination of the company’s normal   National Bank of Canada.   company active in the acquisition,
       course issuer bid (NCIB) which had not been   YANGARRA RESOURCES, June 30, 2020  exploration, development and production of
       utilised.                                                                crude oil and natural gas in Western Canada.
         With the cost savings generated by                                     TORC OIL & GAS, June 30, 2020

       Week 26   02•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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