Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 26
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Alberta extends investigation into

       foreign funding of oil opponents

        ALBERTA          THE government of Alberta has extended an  development. Indeed, the environmental law
                         investigation into whether foreign money is being  firm Ecojustice has attempted to strike down the
                         used to fund anti-oil protests in the province.  inquiry in court through legal action.
                         Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage said last   CBC News reported last week that the word-
                         week that the initial findings from the inquiry’s  ing in the terms of reference for the inquiry was
                         commissioner, Steve Allan, showed that more  tweaked when Savage extended the deadline for
                         work was needed to complete the final report.  the investigation to acknowledge the possibility
                           As a result, the deadline has been extended  that there might have been no foreign funding
                         to October 30, from July 2 previously. An addi-  at all. The terms now state that the “commis-
                         tional CAD1mn ($736,000) was also allocated to  sioner shall inquire into the role of foreign fund-
                         the existing investigation budget of CAD2.5mn  ing, if any, in anti-Alberta energy campaigns”.
                         ($1.8mn). The cash will be diverted from the  Originally, they said: “the commissioner shall
                         budget of the Canadian Energy Centre – known  inquire into anti-Alberta energy campaigns that
                         as Alberta’s “energy war room” – established by  are supported, in whole or in part, by foreign
                         the ruling United Conservative Party (UCP) fol-  organisations”.
                         lowing an election pledge in order to help pro-  Some other tweaks to the wording have also
                         mote the province’s energy industry.  been made.
                           Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has said he   Savage’s press secretary, Kavi Bal, said the
                         believes foreign backers are funding domestic  changes to the terms of reference were made for
                         protesters in a bid to undermine Alberta’s oil and  “legal clarity and consistency”, adding they were
                         gas industry. However, critics of the inquiry have  not based on findings presented in the interim
                         argued that rather than fact-finding, Allan is out  report. “Government would not be approving
                         to prove a pre-determined conclusion, which  further work on due diligence if there was no
                         they say is harming the reputations of those who  indication or reason to conduct this work,” Bal
                         legitimately and lawfully question oil and gas  told CBC News.™

       District of Columbia files latest climate

       change lawsuit against oil companies

        DISTRICT OF      DISTRICT of Columbia Attorney General Karl  judge ruled that the company had not defrauded
        COLUMBIA         Racine filed a lawsuit last week against Exxon-  investors out of up to $1.6bn by hiding the true
                         Mobil, Chevron, BP and Royal Dutch Shell. The  cost of climate change regulation.
                         lawsuit accuses the companies of “systematically   Other climate change lawsuits have been filed
                         and intentionally misleading” consumers about  in California and Massachusetts. And last week,
                         the role their products play in causing climate  Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison filed
                         change. It is the latest of several legal actions by  a lawsuit against the American Petroleum Insti-
                         an attorney general in a US state against the oil  tute (API), ExxonMobil and Koch Industries,
                         and gas industry.                    which, like the District of Columbia lawsuit,
                           “The defendants violated the District’s con-  focuses on consumer protection. The Minnesota
                         sumer protection law by concealing the fact that  lawsuit accuses the defendants of violating state
                         using fossil fuels threatens the health of District  laws barring consumer fraud, deceptive trade
                         residents and the environment,” Racine said in a  practices and false advertising.
                         statement. He added that the intent of the legal   Racine told reporters on June 25 that his
                         action was to “end these disinformation cam-  office had only learnt of Minnesota’s lawsuit
                         paigns and to hold these companies accountable  when it was filed and had been preparing its own
                         for their deceptive practices”.      long before that.
                           The lawsuit comes as states, cities and envi-  Reuters cited spokespeople for ExxonMo-
                         ronmental groups step up efforts to hold oil  bil and Chevron as questioning the merit of
                         and gas producers accountable for the role their  Racine’s case. The Chevron spokesperson, as
                         output plays in climate change. One particularly  well as one from Shell, also said such lawsuits
                         prominent lawsuit in New York ended in a vic-  are detrimental to meaningful efforts to address
                         tory for ExxonMobil in December 2019, when a  climate change.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   02•July•2020
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