Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 26
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NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         profitability of its new oil assets.  McClendon after he left Chesapeake.
                           “Chesapeake was the undisputable master of   Sable said last week that it had secured debt-
                         US shale gas. The massive financial burden of  or-in-possession (DIP) financing of $150mn to
                         investing first into the shale gas boom, then its  fund its operations during the restructuring and
                         failed attempt to grow a similar strong position  that it was working with advisers and stakehold-
                         on oil plays, have brought the giant to its knees,”  ers on establishing the way forward.
                         said Rystad Energy’s head of analysis, Per Mag-  The three companies are the latest in a grow-
                         nus Nysveen.                         ing list of bankruptcies in the North American
                           The producer now hopes that it will emerge  oil and gas industry since 2015, many of which
                         from bankruptcy protection with a considera-  are shale drillers. According to law firm Haynes
                         bly lighter balance sheet. In a June 28 statement,  and Boone, more than 200 North American oil
                         Chesapeake said the restructuring support  and gas producers, owing over $130bn in debt,
                         agreement it had reached with its lenders would  had filed for bankruptcy between the beginning
                         allow it to eliminate around $7bn of its debt.  of 2015 and May 2020. This year alone, at least
                           “We are fundamentally resetting Chesa-  20 companies had gone bankrupt by May. More
                         peake’s capital structure and business to address  are anticipated to follow.
                         our legacy financial weaknesses and capital-  However, analysts have cautioned not to   Analysts have
                         ise on our substantial operational strengths,”  interpret these bankruptcies as marking the
                         Lawler stated.                       demise of the shale industry – merely a confir-  cautioned not to
                                                              mation of the shift in the way the industry oper-  interpret these
                         Bankruptcies rise                    ates. Shale drillers have already spent recent
                         Lilis, for its part, had $115mn in debt under its  months focusing on prioritising returns over   bankruptcies
                         revolving credit agreement as of the end of 2019.  growth, and demonstrating fiscal restraint. The
                         The company, which is a pure play Permian  latest bankruptcies appear to confirm that this is   as marking the
                         Basin producer, announced this week that the  now the way forward.
                         restructuring plan it had agreed would eliminate   “US shale players have been weakened by the   demise of the
                         almost $35mn of its debt.            fall in oil prices, but the assets and know-how   shale industry.
                           Lilis cited the downturn in commodity prices  remain in place and the US financial industry is
                         during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic  dynamic,” a BCS Global Markets analyst, Ron-
                         as the reason for its Chapter 11 filing, saying  ald Smith, said in a note.
                         it had explored a variety of options for cutting   “The sector is not dead, and the US will
                         costs, improving its liquidity and addressing  benefit for years to come from the low-cost
                         debt maturities.                     resource that Chesapeake helped find,” a
                           Sable’s bankruptcy filing, meanwhile, is  managing director at consultancy RS Energy
                         another symbolic development given its links  Group, Andrew Gillick, was quoted by the
                         to McClendon. Sable was previously Per-  Financial Times as saying. “But the excitement
                         mian Resources, which in turn was once part  around shale has officially died today with the
                         of American Energy Partners – founded by  Chesapeake filing.”™

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