Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 26
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         Filing for CCAA protection may therefore start  countries respond faster to localised outbreaks
                         to look like an increasingly attractive option to  of the virus, avoiding more drastic measures.
                         certain players seeking to avoid receivership or   More consolidation could also be on the hori-
                         bankruptcy.                          zon, according to EY’s Narfason.
                           Upstream companies are not the only ones   “We do expect to see more energy-based
                         taking this path. Service providers and those  insolvencies. We’re also expecting more con-
                         that depend on the energy industry for con-  solidation and [merger and acquisition] activity
                         tracts are also affected and may pursue restruc-  because companies just aren’t going to have the
                         turing. Indeed, Entrec, an Alberta-based heavy  liquidity they need to carry out a proper business
                         haul transportation and crane provider, entered  plan,” he told CBC News.
                         CCAA in May. And as with the upstream sector,   Few companies have shown a willingness
                         more of its peers may follow.        to buy assets or other companies thus far, sug-
                                                              gesting that the industry is largely inclined to
                         What next?                           be cautious. This marks a change from previous
                         How these companies look after they emerge  downturns, when stronger players – including   Much depends
                         from CCAA protection remains to be seen.  Canadian heavyweights such as Suncor Energy
                         For example, Cequence said it would investi-  and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL)   on how oil prices
                         gate options that “may include the sale of all or  – would often seek to buy assets on the cheap.   will behave in the
                         a portion of the business and assets or shares of  Given how some Canadian producers have
                         the company, renegotiation of certain onerous  struggled with debt – and how new, unexpected   coming weeks
                         contracts, refinancing, recapitalisation or other  downturns have set back their efforts to pay
                         restructuring alternatives.”         down this debt – however, this is not surprising.   and months.
                           Options other than the CCAA route are  Majors are also under pressure to protect their
                         also available. For example, Bonavista Energy  dividends and minimise their debt currently.
                         announced in mid-June that it was entering into  And giant transactions such as US-based Occi-
                         a recapitalisation transaction, which is described  dental Petroleum’s ill-timed $55bn takeover of
                         as similar to what Delphi did in late 2019. In Del-  Anadarko Petroleum last year serve as a warning
                         phi’s case, though, the recapitalisation was not  not to rush into major deals during periods of
                         enough to stop it from subsequently entering  such uncertainty for the oil industry.
                         CCAA protection in April 2020.         Buyers and sellers may also be failing to agree
                           This illustrates how success is not guaran-  on valuations of assets. There is, however, a pos-
                         teed whatever companies decide to do. Much  sibility that this could change as the downturn
                         depends on how oil prices will behave in the  drags on and some companies become desperate
                         coming weeks and months, and on whether  to sell some or all of their assets. Again, much
                         there is another wave of COVID-19 lockdowns  depends on crude price trends in the near and
                         – though this looks increasingly less likely as  medium term.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   02•July•2020
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