Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 26
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Line 5 splits into twin
                                                                                                  pipelines to pass
                                                                                                  through the Straits of

       Court allows Enbridge to

       reopen portion of Line 5

        MICHIGAN         CANADA’S Enbridge has been given permis-  Enbridge will now have to take its proposal
                         sion by a judge in Ingham County, Michigan, to  for the Line 5 tunnel through the full hearing
                         reopen part of the damaged Line 5 in the Straits  process – which will be held remotely owing
                         of Mackinac, where the system splits into twin  to social distancing measures implemented as
                         pipelines. Under the July 1 ruling from Ing-  a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         ham County Circuit Court Judge James Jamo,  demic. If the company receives all necessary
                         Enbridge will be able to resume flows through  approvals on schedule, it anticipates complet-
                         the west leg of the system while it conducts an  ing construction of the tunnel and replacement
                         in-line investigation on the east leg.  pipeline in 2024.
                           This follows Jamo granting Michigan Attor-  In the meantime, Enbridge it intends to   The restart of
                         ney General Dana Nessel’s motion for a tem-  restart the west leg operations and expects them
                         porary restraining order on June 25, requiring  to return to normal soon, while it conducts an   the west leg
                         Enbridge to suspend flows on Line 5 after the  inspection on the east leg. The company has been
                         east leg of the pipeline suffered damage to a sup-  ordered by Jamo to provide Michigan lawyers  was good news
                         port a week earlier.                 with “all obtained data and all conclusions” from
                           The east leg will remain shut until the US  the inspection within seven days of the west leg   for integrated
                         Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety  reopening.                         Canadian oil
                         Administration (PHMSA) completes its investi-  Credit Suisse said in a note that the restart of
                         gations into the damage or until its reopening is  the west leg was good news for integrated Cana-  companies,
                         ordered by the court.                dian oil companies, including Imperial Oil and
                           Nessel has been pushing through the courts  Suncor Energy, which own refineries that are  including Imperial
                         to shut down permanently the portion of the  dependent on flows through Line 5. According
                         pipeline that passes through the Straits of Mack-  to earlier Enbridge estimates, if Line 5 is shut,   Oil and Suncor
                         inac, on fears that any leak would result in pollu-  the refineries it serves in Michigan, Ohio, Penn-  Energy.
                         tion in the Great Lakes. This comes as Enbridge  sylvania, Ontario and Quebec would receive
                         is attempting to move forward with a proposal to  about 45% less crude than their current level of
                         replace the 67-year-old twin pipelines that run  demand.
                         through the Straits with a new single pipeline in   At full capacity, Line 5 transports up to
                         a tunnel beneath them. However, the Michigan  540,000 barrels per day (bpd) of light crude and
                         Public Service Commission ruled this week that  natural gas liquids (NGLs). The pipeline origi-
                         it would not fast-track the proposal through the  nates in Superior, Wisconsin, and terminates in
                         regulatory approval process.         Sarnia, Ontario.™

       Week 26   02•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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