Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 26
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                     INVESTMENT                                         NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The transaction turns
                                                                                                  Hilcorp into the second-
                                                                                                  largest producer in
                                                                                                  Alaska, and also the
                                                                                                  operator of Prudhoe

       Alaska approves part of

       BP asset sale to Hilcorp

        ALASKA           OFFICIALS in Alaska have approved part of  Hilcorp paid a $500mn deposit on signing the
                         the sale of BP’s portfolio in the state to privately  agreement with BP in 2019. The revised agree-
                         owned Hilcorp Energy. The $5.6bn transaction  ment includes “lower completion payments in
                         – which will mark BP’s exit from Alaska – was  2020, new cash flow sharing arrangements over
                         announced last year, and renegotiated earlier in  the near term, interest-bearing vendor financing
                         2020 owing to changing market conditions and  and, potentially, an increase in the proportion of
                         the collapse in oil prices.          the consideration subject to earnout arrange-
                           The assets being sold include interests in the  ments”, BP said in April.
                         giant Prudhoe Bay oilfield on the North Slope   Alaska’s oil production has suffered in recent
                         and BP’s nearly 50% stake in the 800-mile (1,300-  months as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-
                         km) Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). The  19) pandemic. In June, state data show output
                         approval this week covered the sale of BP’s 176  averaging 390,830 barrels per day, with Prudhoe
                         oil and gas leases in the state, while the transfer  Bay and satellite fields accounting for 286,098   The transfer of
                         of the TAPS stake to Hilcorp is still pending,  bpd. ConocoPhillips curtailed roughly 100,000
                         with a decision by the Regulatory Commission  bpd of its Alaskan production in June. The com-  the TAPS stake
                         of Alaska anticipated in September.  pany announced on June 30 that based on its
                           The sale of the leases reportedly closed this  economic criteria, it would begin restoring this  to Hilcorp is still
                         week after receiving approval from Alaska’s  curtailed output in July.
                         departments of Natural Resources and Envi-  ConocoPhillips’ cutbacks in  Alaska   pending, with
                         ronmental Conservation. The transaction turns  accounted for around 15% of its overall produc-  a decision by
                         Hilcorp into the second-largest producer in the  tion curtailments.
                         state after ConocoPhillips, and also the operator   For BP, the sale of its Alaskan assets forms a   the Regulatory
                         of Prudhoe Bay.                      significant part of a $15bn programme of asset
                           The Alaskan officials noted in their  sales that it was previously targeting by mid-  Commission
                         approval that Hilcorp has a record of buying  2021. On June 29, BP announced that it had met
                         and rejuvenating ageing fields while reducing  this target a year early, having agreed to sell its   of Alaska
                         expenses, and that it could apply these skills  petrochemicals business to Ineos for $5bn.  anticipated in
                         to operations on the North Slope. They wrote   “This is another significant step as we stead-
                         that the sale involves “some risk and potential  ily work to reinvent BP,” CEO Bernard Looney   September.
                         liability to the state”, but that its benefits out-  said. The super-major recently unveiled a target
                         weigh its risks.                     to reach “net zero” emissions by 2050, and while
                           Under the renegotiated deal between BP  the details of how it aims to achieve this have yet
                         and Hilcorp, announced in April, the price tag  to be clarified, the sale of upstream, midstream
                         remained unchanged but the structure and phas-  and downstream assets appears to align with
                         ing of the outstanding amount was adjusted.  this goal.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   02•July•2020
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