Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 26
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil


                                                                                Thigpen Solutions and

                                                                                Blue Roads Solutions join
                                                                                together in commitment

                                                                                to offer leading mobile

                                                                                and off-pipe natural gas

                                                                                solutions nationwide

                                                                                BP Energy Partners (BPEP) announced
                                                                                today it is merging Dallas, Texas-based Blue
                                                                                Roads Solutions, and Conroe, Texas-based
         The purchase is the first phase of Cycle’s   MIDSTREAM                 Thigpen Solutions, creating an innovative,
       expansion plan to acquire assets in the United                           full-service, leading player in the virtual
       States. The purchase of the leases includes   Align Midstream Partners II   pipeline industry.
       currently producing cash flowing wells                                     The name of the newly combined firm will
       and Cycle Energy Services will implement   announces midstream joint     be Sapphire Gas Solutions.
       its production enhancement services and                                    Sapphire will be based in Conroe, Texas,
       technologies which result in approximately   venture with Sabine Oil &   and will be led by Thigpen founder and
       150-200 bpd (barrels of oil per day). Another                            CEO Sam Thigpen. Justin Cordon, a BPEP
       10-12 PUD’s (proven undeveloped) drilling   Gas and the completion of    operating executive and the current Chief
       locations have been identified and would                                 Operating Officer of Blue Roads, has been
       result in an additional 250 bpd. Harvest   the TOPS pipeline             tapped as Chief Integration Officer for
       Petroleum Inc. is the operator of the field and                          Sapphire.
       the remaining 40% partner.          Align Midstream Partners II, a Dallas-based   The merger marks a commitment to
         The Lost Hills field is a mega-oilfield in   midstream company backed by Tailwater   comprehensively meet and anticipate
       California, northwest of Bakersfield with   Capital, today announced the completion   the growing demands of customers.
       thousands of producing oil & gas wells from   of the TOPS pipeline and the formation of a   Combining the two companies leverages
       numerous intervals. Cycle purchased 60% of   joint venture agreement in the pipeline with   each organization’s ability to provide
       the field called Northwest Lost Hills (NWLH).   Sabine Oil & Gas, a fully owned subsidiary of   near-term and long-term supplies of
       NWLH was discovered in 1983 and is   Osaka Gas USA. The TOPS pipeline is a 30-  both compressed natural gas (CNG) and
       located in Sections 12 & 13, T25S, R19E, and   mile, 16-inch diameter gas gathering pipeline   liquefied natural gas (LNG) along with
       Sections 7 & 18, T25S, R 20E, in Kern County,   in the Carthage area with interconnections   offering a host of turn-key solutions that
       California.                         to key downstream takeaway markets. The   enable customers and utilities to gain the
         The wells in NWLH produce from two   transaction marks Osaka Gas USA’s first   maximum economic and environmental
       formations: The Etchgoin sand and the   acquisition in the midstream business in the   advantages of natural gas.
       Monterey shale (Antelope interval). Pay   United States.                   “A core value proposition in merging
       thickness averages about 35 feet in the   “We are excited to partner with Sabine   these companies is creating one of the largest
       Etchgoin, and +500 feet in the Monterey. Oil   and grow our relationship in East Texas,” said   natural gas solutions providers serving the oil
       gravity averages +29-30° API. The field is a   Fritz Brinkman, CEO of Align. “The TOPS   and gas sector, utilities, industrial companies,
       SE plunging anticline bounded and trapped   pipeline will bolster our existing East Texas   asphalt and aggregate producers, and remote
       by cross faults. The NWLH portion is a Horst   footprint and enhance our ability to serve the   power generation installations across the
       Fault block. All Antelope wells are naturally   growing Haynesville production, providing   U.S.,” said Alex Szewczyk, managing partner
       over-pressured and flow naturally upon   our customers with greater access to a number  at BPEP.
       completion and during production, although   of attractive markets across the Carthage hub.”  “This expands the capabilities of the two
       many are “assisted” with pumping units that   “Given the long term view of Sabine and   firms from regional delivery to a nationwide
       were installed.                     its parent Osaka, the TOPS investment is   presence, with our promise of best-in-class
         The field is fairly well-defined by drilling   another step in vertically integrating Sabine   service,” said Sam Thigpen, CEO of Sapphire
       and 3D seismic, and only about half of the   and advancing our strategy of capturing   Gas Solutions. “We will offer a greater set
       productive area has been drilled to date. A   value from the well head to the burner tip   of solutions to our diverse and expanding
       total of 25 additional infill Antelope drilling   for our East Texas assets,” commented Doug   customer base. Additionally, by combining
       locations have been identified that are   Krenek, CEO of Sabine. “We are pleased to be   these two service-oriented companies, we
       estimated to recover ~755,000 B and +2.3   expanding our relationship with Align as they   can create opportunities for operational
       BCFMr.                              are a very competent East Texas midstream   efficiencies.”
       CYCLE ENERGY INDUSTRIES, June 29, 2020  company.”                        BP ENERGY PARTNERS, June 29, 2020
                                           ALIGN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS II, June 29,

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   02•July•2020
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