Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                         NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         Downstream updates in Latin America   state-owned producers are starting to feel more
                         This week’s issue examines refineries in several  confident. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait resumed
                         different countries and also reports on com-  production from their shared Al-Khafji oilfield
                         plaints of excessive delays among Meican petro-  in the Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ). The asset
                         leum product importers.              was shut in on June 1 under the banner of efforts
                           Officials in Aruba have confirmed that the  to adhere to OPEC+ quotas; however, the recent
                         search for a new operator for the San Nicolas  history of the PNZ has been somewhat colourful.  Noia has called
                         refinery, a 235,000 bpd plant formerly owned   At capacity, Al-Khafji and the onshore Wafra
                         by Valero, is underway. Representatives of the  oilfield can produce around 550,000 bpd; how-  on Canada’s
                         Aruban government said last week that they had  ever, the fields were shut in because of disagree-
                         teamed up with state-owned Refineria di Aruba  ments between the two governments in 2014 and   government to
                         NV (RdA) to invite qualified bidders to partic-  then in 2015.
                         ipate in a two-tiered request for expression of   Output resumed at both fields in December   provide more
                         interest (REOI). Potential investors have been  2019, increasing to 260,000 bpd by April, with   support for
                         asked to respond by July 17, they said.   production of 130,000 bpd from each asset.
                           Aruba’s government is also mulling offers  Wafra has remained in production since Decem-  offshore oil and
                         from three companies interested in using the  ber. Plans are in place to raise output capacity
                         San Nicolas refinery’s tanks to store crude oil and  at the PNZ to 575,000 bpd, with an increase   gas operators
                         petroleum products. It has not identified any of  coming in the form of a 25,000 bpd ramp-up at
                         the bidders, but it hopes to sign a lease contract  al-Khafji, currently capable of 300,000 bpd.
                         with the winner of the tender by August 1.  Meanwhile in Oman, signs of a rebound in
                           Meanwhile,  KBR has agreed  to supply  exploration came by way of Sweden’s firm Tethys
                         Uruguay’s state oil company Administracion  Oil signing an exploration and production-shar-
                         Nacional de Combustibles Alcohol y Pórt-  ing agreement (EPSA) for the Sultanate’s onshore
                         land (ANCAP) with technology for a refinery  Block 58.
                         upgrade project. Under a new contract with   The company has a growing presence in
                         ANCAP, the US-based oilfield services giant will  Oman and has taken advantage of the down-
                         help Uruguay’s NOC upgrade the 50,000 bpd  turn to increase its asset base. But its example is
                         Eduardo Acevedo Vázquez refining complex at  unlikely to be followed in the region, with only
                         La Teja. KBR’s technology will allow the plant to  Israel holding an active 2020 bidding round.
                         produce more high-value light fuels.   In the UAE, though, Abu Dhabi National Oil
                           In Mexico, independent fuel importers have  Co. (ADNOC) has taken advantage of the dip
                         complained that bureaucratic procedures are  in demand to take the giant Bab oilfield offline
                         becoming more of a burden. Firms not affiliated  for scheduled maintenance, with production to
                         with Pemex, the national oil company (NOC),  remain shut-in until late July. Prior to the shut-
                         say that customs inspectors are throwing up  down, production from Bab was running above
                         unnecessary roadblocks to shipments of refined  370,000 bpd of light, sour Murban crude, which
                         fuels, especially diesel.            has an API gravity of 40.5°. Bab has a capacity of
                                                              420,000 bpd. The move also aligns well with the
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping  UAE’s OPEC+ commitments, with July the final
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click  month before the reductions are eased..
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.
                                                              If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         Middle East: OPEC+ compliance        the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click
                         In the Middle East, there were signs that  here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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