Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       What next for US-Mexico

       energy relations?

       As USMCA takes effect, some industry observers remain concerned

       about Mexico’s willingness to remove obstacles to US investors

                         US President Donald Trump has won praise   Trump are good news for US independent oil
                         from oil and gas industry players for his signing   and natural gas producers. Free trade helps not
       WHAT:             of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement   only our industry, but the US economy as whole.
       A new free trade deal   (USMCA) on January 29.         At a time when oil and natural gas production is
       between the US, Canada   At that time, Mike Sommers, the CEO of   increasing, we have the best high growth outlets
       and Mexico came into   the American Petroleum Institute (API), called   we could ask for in our neighbours Mexico and
       force on July 1.  the deal “a win-win for American workers and   Canada,” he was quoted as saying in an IPAA
                         energy consumers.”                   statement dated January 29.
       WHY:                He added: “North American energy markets   More recently, George Y. González, a trade
       The agreement may not   are deeply integrated and interconnected, and   lawyer from the Haynes and Boone law firm,
       guard against the erosion   the free flow of energy products and investments   offered an equally positive assessment. Speaking
       of Mexico’s 2013 energy   in natural gas and oil across our borders is crit-  on July 1, the day that the USMCA took effect,
       reform initiative.  ical to sustaining American energy leadership   he said that he expected the deal to help the US
                         and economic growth.”                energy sector by facilitating natural gas exports
       WHAT NEXT:          The deal was also lauded by Barry Russell, the   to Mexico.
       US gas exports to Mexico   president and CEO of the Independent Petro-  “USMCA builds the foundations for the
       are going up, but there   leum Association of America (IPAA). “The   world’s best oil and natural gas partnership,” he
       may be friction ahead.  terms of the USMCA signed today by President   told the Dallas Morning News.

       Week 27   09•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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