Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

                         ExxonMobil has responded to the contrac-  reiterated that point last week. “The long-term
                         tion of energy markets by announcing plans   fundamentals that drive our business have not
                         to rein in spending by $10bn and cut output by   changed,” Woods said, according to a Reuters
                         400,000 barrels per day (bpd) this year. It has   report.
                         also insisted, though, that it sees oil and gas as   He acknowledged, though, that ExxonMobil
                         long-term growth propositions.       was likely to have “a very challenging summer”
                           Darren Woods, the company’s CEO,   in 2020. ™

       EIA sees US gas consumption and

       demand dropping in 2020-2021

                         THE US Energy Information Administration   second half of 2021, as natural gas prices in the
                         (EIA) has said it expects domestic production   forecast rise,” it wrote.
                         of and demand for natural gas to decline in 2020   The agency went on to say that “lower con-
                         and 2021.                            sumption in the industrial sector because of
                           In the latest version of its monthly Short-  COVID-19 mitigation efforts and related reduc-
                         Term Energy Outlook (STEO), EIA noted that   tions in economic activity” would be the main
                         US dry gas output had reached an all-time high   factor driving demand down in 2020. It also
                         of 92.21bn cubic feet (2.61bn cubic metres) per   predicted, though, that higher prices would curb
                         day in 2019. Likewise, gas consumption levels   demand in 2021.
                         hit a record high of 84.97 bcf (2.41 bcm) per day,   “Forecast US natural gas consumption
                         it noted.                            declines by 5% in 2021 as a result of expected
                           These levels are no longer sustainable, as   rising natural gas prices,” the EIA stated. “The
                         public health measures designed to rein in the   rising prices will reduce the use of natural gas in
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have dis-  the electric power sector, which will more than
                         rupted the supply/demand balance, the agency   offset increases in natural gas consumption in
                         commented. As a result, it said, the US is likely   the industrial, commercial and residential sec-
                         to see dry gas production average 89.24 bcf (2.53   tors.” ™
                         bcm) per day in 2020, down by 3% year on year,
                         and then sink by another 6% to 84.23 bcf (2.39
                         bcm) per day in 2021.
                           Gas consumption is also set to go down, the
                         EIA said. It predicted that consumption would
                         sink by 3% year on year to 82.35 bcf (2.33 bcm)
                         per day in 2020 and by another 5% to 78.62 bcf
                         (2.23 bcm) per day in the following year.
                           According to the STEO, production will
                         decline this year because of “falling natural gas
                         prices that [have] caused a decline in drilling
                         activity and production curtailments.” It indi-
                         cated that these developments would continue
                         to affect the industry in 2021 but said that con-
                         ditions might approve by the end of next year.
                         “EIA expects production to increase during the

       Brouilette OKs Jordan Cove LNG exports

                         THE US Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette   in Coos Bay, Oregon.
                         issued a final long-term order on July 8 author-  The decision follows a move by the Depart-
                         ising the export of domestically produced LNG   ment of Energy (DOE) in to give 2014 condi-
                         from the proposed Jordan Cove LNG Terminal   tional approval of exports from the Terminal.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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