Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            pipelines and mobilise a rig for the G1 comple-  necessary for the efficient and economic devel-
                                           tion and drill our second well, the G2 well, on  opment of the Taggart discovery which has
       Byron Energy completes              SM58, into the Lower O Sand. Anyone who has  reserves totaling approximately 27mn barrels
                                           worked in the oil industry will tell you that this  of oil equivalent. We believe this partnership is
       installation of SM58 G              is quite an accomplishment and did not hap-  a perfect match due to both companies’ experi-
                                           pen by accident. This is the result of hard work,  ence developing deepwater assets and commit-
       Platform                            good planning, and dedicated professionals  ment to operating with excellence, integrity, and
                                           in our office and in the construction yard. Our  afety. LLOG is looking forward to beginning the
       Byron Energy has announced that the Triton  cycle time to first production should be inside  successful execution of this deepwater Gulf of
       Hedron derrick barge has de-mobilised off  12 months since we logged over 300 feet [91  Mexico development project.”
       location after successfully installing the jacket  metres] of hydrocarbon in the SM58 G1 well. I   LLOG and its affiliates own 100% of the Tag-
       over the SM58 G1 well drilled in October 2019,  am extremely pleased with this effort and proud  gart development. Initial development plans at
       then driving piles and finally installing the top-  to be a part of the Byron team.”  Taggart include the completion and tie back of
       side facility. Byron’s operators are now living on   Byron Energy, July 06 2020  two wells with first production expected in 2022.
       the platform and are making final preparations                           LLOG, July 03 2020
       to accept the drilling rig which is scheduled to   LLOG sanctions Taggart
       arrive in two weeks.
       By salvaging and refurbishing a high-qual-  discovery and finalising of   SERVICES
       ity structure already in good condition, the
       Company has realised a saving in the range of   plans for development via  Tallgrass Energy announces
       $8-10mn and has expedited cycle time to first
       production by nine to 12 months compared to   the Devils Tower Spar      exclusive partnership in oil
       a new build facility.
         The next phase of the SM58 project is to lay  LLOG Exploration Offshore has announced   and gas space with ECOVAP
       the oil and gas sales pipelines needed to trans-  the sanctioning of its Taggart discovery and the
       port produced hydrocarbons to market. The  signing of a production handling agreement for  Tallgrass Energy, through its Tallgrass Water
       pipeline lay barge was mobilised on Friday, July  development via tieback to the Williams-owned  division, today announced it has entered into a
       3, and arrived on location Saturday, July 4. Ini-  Devils Tower Spar in Mississippi Canyon 773.  multi-year agreement with ECOVAP, a leader
       tial operations comprise the installation of the   The Taggart discovery is located on Missis-  in wastewater elimination that gives Tallgrass
       4-inch (101.6-mm) diameter 1,000-foot (305-  sippi Canyon lock 816 in approximately 5,650  Water exclusive rights within the oil and gas
       metre) oil sales line. Once the oil line portion of  feet (1,722 metres) of water. The Mississippi  industry to use the company’s patented and
       the project is complete, the barge will begin lay-  Canyon 816 #1 discovery well was drilled in  patent-pending wastewater management tech-
       ing the 8-inch (203.2-mm) diameter 39,000-foot  2013 to a depth of 11,562 feet (3,524 metres)  nology. The proprietary technology evaporates
       (12-km) gas sales line. Pipeline laying and tie-in  and encountered 97 feet (29.57 metres) of net  water exponentially faster than traditional dis-
       operations are expected to take approximately 50  pay in two Miocene objectives. Two subsequent  posal methods.
       days, depending on weather conditions.  appraisal wells were drilled in 2015 and 2019 and   Under terms of the agreement, Tallgrass will
         The Enterprise 264 jack up drilling rig is  encountered 147 feet (44.81 metres) and 84 feet  own and operate the technology developed and
       scheduled to mobilise to the SM58 G platform by  (25.6 metres) of net pay, respectively.  pioneered by ECOVAP. The biomimicry tech-
       July 20 and begin completion operations on the   Philip LeJeune, President and CEO of LLOG,  nology harnesses the power of Mother Nature to
       G1 well. The drilling rig will be used to discon-  commented: “LLOG is pleased to announce the  significantly improve evaporation by exponen-
       nect the G1 from the mudline hanger, tie it back  sanctioning of our Taggart discovery, and we  tially increasing the wastewater’s ratio of surface
       to the platform and then complete the Upper O  look forward to the successful development  space to air. An independent study by Golder,
       Sand for production. The Upper O Sand will be  of this deepwater asset. We are proud to have  a global consulting, design and construction
       perforated and sand control will be placed in  finalised an agreement with Williams for the  firm specialising in the areas of earth and envi-
       the wellbore. The G1 completion operations are  recovery and processing of Taggart’s reserves  ronment, found that ECOVAP’s technology
       expected to take approximately 30 days due to  via subsea tieback to their nearby Devils Tower  evaporated water at 59 times the natural rate of
       the complexity of tying back the casing to sur-  Spar. Williams will provide the infrastructure  conventional surface evaporation.
       face. Additional topside work will be required
       after the completion operations to connect the
       wellhead into the platform flowlines. Without
       significant weather delays, first production from
       the G1 is expected by September 1, 2020.
         Maynard Smith, Byron’s CEO, commented:
       “On June 17 of 2019, the Company announced
       that the platform we had purchased for SM58
       had been offloaded at the construction yard in
       Abbeville, Louisiana. At that point, we had not
       even drilled out first SM58 well. Now, one year
       later, after drilling and logging a successful well,
       that platform has been refurbished and outfit-
       ted for both oil and gas processing and is back
       in the Gulf of Mexico; we are now ready to lay

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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