Page 20 - NorthAmOil Week 27
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                                                                entered into a binding purchase and sale agree-
                                                                                ment (PSA) for all the petroleum and infrastruc-
                                                                                ture assets of Gain Energy, a private Canadian
                                                                                company with operations in the Western Cana-
                                                                                dian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB).
                                                                                  Highlights: During 2019, the Assets produced
                                                                                at 11,020 boepd and generated about $34mn in
                                                                                field EBITDA (revenues minus royalties, opex
                                                                                and transportation) from 365 net wells across
                                                                                multiple low-decline, long-life, light oil and gas
                                                                                fields. The Assets would add 26.4 MMboe PDP
                                                                                and 69.4 MMboe 2P reserves to i3’s portfolio.
                                                                                  The consideration to be paid for the Assets
                                                                                is CAD80mn ($58.8m), subject to adjustments
                                                                                (outlined below), representing acquisition met-
                                                                                rics of approximately 1.7x 2019 field EBITDA,
                                                                                $5,526/boepd, and $0.85/boe of 2P reserves
                                                                                  The Transaction is a reverse takeover under
                                                                                the AIM Rules for Companies and is subject to i3
                                                                                shareholder approval. The Company’s shares are
                                                                                currently suspended from trading on AIM until
                                                                                it either publishes a Readmission Document
       various government emergency relief programs,  interests in Alaska, and BP Pipelines (Alaska)  detailing the Transaction or provides confirma-
       to improve its short-term liquidity and mitigate  Inc.’s interest in the Trans Alaska Pipeline Sys-  tion that the Transaction will not complete.
       risks associated with the decrease in demand for  tem (TAPS). BP and Hilcorp continue to work   On July 3, 2020, i3 entered a binding purchase
       the Company’s services.             with regulators to complete the midstream sale,  and sale agreement with Gain to acquire 100%
         Although the balance of 2020 is clouded with  including transferring BP’s interest in TAPS.  of its producing and non-producing petroleum
       risk and uncertainty, there is optimism for the   William Lin, executive vice president for  assets in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and
       long term. Major infrastructure spending has  regions, cities and solutions, said: “Today marks  Saskatchewan. In Q4-2019, the Assets produced
       been announced by provincial and federal gov-  a new era for Prudhoe Bay. It is a world-class  on average 10,645 boepd (47% liquids) to which
       ernments that should have significant positive  field and Hilcorp is well-positioned to take it  Gain’s independent reserve evaluator had attrib-
       impacts on the western Canadian economy.  into the future and maximise value for the State  uted PDP reserves of 26.4 MMboe with a before-
       Additionally, several major oil and gas pipelines,  of Alaska. We wish them the very best for this  tax NPV10 of about $177mn and 2P reserves
       including Trans Mountain, Costal Gas Link and  next phase of Prudhoe Bay’s long life.”  of 69.4 MMboe with a before-tax NPV10 of
       Keystone XL have cleared major hurdles and   In April, BP confirmed its commitment to  about $397mn. In 2019, the Gain Assets pro-
       opposition. The service companies in our indus-  completing the sale, adjusting the financial terms  duced about $34mn in field EBITDA (revenues
       try that can survive and recover from COVID-  of the agreement to reflect current market con-  minus royalties, opex and transportation) from
       19, will be well positioned to benefit from these  ditions while retaining the overall consideration  242 Gain-operated wells at an average working
       projects and participate in building a sustainable  of $5.6bn.           interest of 78% and 1,633 non-operated wells at
       economic future in western Canada.     Janet Weiss, regional president, BP Alaska,  an average working interest of 11% and include
       Cordy Oilfield Services, July 07 2020  said: “I am proud of our employees and contrac-  174,000 net developed acres (704 square km)
                                           tors, who have done extraordinary work to make  and 186,000 net undeveloped acres (753 square
                                           this a safe and seamless transition. Thank you.  km) of land. As part of i3’s readmission process,
       INVESTMENT                          And to the State of Alaska, we deeply value our  the Company has commissioned GLJ Ltd. to
                                           role in Alaska’s history, and thank the governor  update the reserves associated with the Assets.
       BP completes sale                   and his team for positioning Prudhoe Bay for  These details will become part of i3’s Readmis-
                                                                                sion Document when published.
                                           many more years of competitive production.”
       of upstream Alaska                  BP, July 07 2020                     free of all encumbrances (apart from indus-
                                                                                  Under the PSA, i3 will be acquiring the Assets
       business to Hilcorp                 Canada: i3 Energy issues             try standard or acceptable permitted encum-
                                                                                brances) for cash consideration of CAD80mn
       BP has completed the sale of its upstream Alaska   update on Gain Energy   (about $58.8mn). In addition to normal interim
       business to Hilcorp and operations of the Prud-                          period adjustments between the transaction
       hoe Bay oil field have been transferred to Hil-  production acquisition  effective date of May 1, 2020, and comple-
       corp. The upstream assets comprise the vast                              tion, the Consideration will be adjusted by an
       majority of the deal value.         i3 Energy, an independent oil and gas com-  amount of interest accruing at Canadian Prime
         In August 2019, BP announced it would exit  pany with assets and operations in the UK,  + 2% (totalling approximately 4.45%), and from
       Alaska, selling its business to Hilcorp for a total  has announced an update on the previously  June 29, 2020, until completion, the Consider-
       consideration of $5.6bn. The sale includes BP’s  announced Gain Energy production acquisition  ation will be adjusted by CAD500,000 (about
       entire upstream and midstream business in the   In reference to the Company’s announce-  $368,000) per calendar month accruing to com-
       state, including BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.,  ment of June 23, 2019, regarding the Letter of  pensate Gain for its management of the Assets.
       which owns all of BP’s upstream oil and gas  Intent to acquire production assets, i3 has now   i3 Energy, July 06 2020

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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