Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 27
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NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

                         In the press release, Dominion and Duke noted   feedback from local communities, labour and
                         that they had recently scored an important legal   industrial leaders, government and permitting
                         victory last month, when the US Supreme Court   agencies, environmental interests and social
                         ruled that the federal government did have the   justice organisations. We express sincere appre-
                         authority to permit the construction of the link   ciation for the tireless efforts and important con-
                         under a section of the Appalachian Trail. This   tributions made by all who were involved in this
                         7-2 decision served to overturn a lower court’s   essential project,” they said.
                         ruling that had blocked work on ACP, thereby   They added: “This announcement reflects
                         “[vindicating] the project and decisions made by   the increasing legal uncertainty that overhangs
                         permitting agencies,” the partners noted.  large-scale energy and industrial infrastruc-
                           They went on to say, though, that the project   ture development in the United States. Until
                         was facing additional legal hurdles. Specifically,   these issues are resolved, the ability to satisfy
                         they pointed to the Ninth Circuit Court’s May   the country’s energy needs will be significantly
                         28 ruling on the decision by the US District   challenged.” ™
                         Court for the District of Montana to overturn
                         Nationwide Permit 12, under which the federal
                         government has long had the authority to per-
                         mit waterbody and wetland crossings. That rul-
                         ing indicates that Dominion Energy and Duke
                         Energy are not likely to succeed in their appeal
                         against the verdict concerning Nationwide Per-
                         mit 12, they said.
                           “This new information and litigation risk …
                         make the project too uncertain to justify invest-
                         ing more shareholder capital,” the partners said.
                         They also noted that ACP was still facing “[a]
                         series of legal challenges to the project’s federal
                         and state permits.” These lawsuits have already
                         led to “significant project cost increases and tim-
                         ing delays” and could throw work on the pipe-
                         line even further off schedule, they reported.
                           Thomas F. Farrell II, the chairman, presi-
                         dent and CEO of Dominion, and Lynn J. Good,
                         chairperson, president and CEO of Duke, both
                         expressed regret at the cancellation. “For almost
                         six years, we have worked diligently and invested
                         billions of dollars to complete the project and
                         deliver the much-needed infrastructure to our
                         customers and communities. Throughout, we
                         have engaged extensively with and incorporated   The gas line will run through three states/Atlantic Coast Pipeline

       ExxonMobil reports another quarterly loss

                         EXXONMOBIL is on track to post two con-  The US-based giant is not due to publish a
                         secutive quarterly losses for the first time in its   full report on its quarterly results until the end
                         history.                             of this month. But the data it has released so far
                           According to a regulatory filing dated June   reflect the havoc that the coronavirus (COVID-
                         2, the US super-major said that its upstream   19) pandemic and the Saudi-Russian oil price
                         oil and gas unit had sustained a loss of $3.1bn   war have wrought on the oil and gas industry,
                         in the second quarter of 2020, while its down-  which has seen demand and prices plummet as
                         stream refining unit lost $611mn. The company   a result of lockdowns and other restrictive public
                         also indicated that its chemical unit had earned   health measures.
                         a small profit of $144mn during the April-June   That disruption was already evident in Exx-
                         period and said it had written down almost $3bn   onMobil’s first-quarter report, which came out
                         worth of inventory.                  at a time when world crude oil prices were sink-
                           ExxonMobil said in the filing that it had sus-  ing but not yet in free-fall. That report showed
                         tained an overall loss of $610mn for the quarter.   the company posting its first quarterly loss since
                         By contrast, it reported a $2.35bn profit for the   1988. Now the firm has experienced its first-ever
                         same period of 2019.                 back-to-back quarterly loss.

       Week 27   09•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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