Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 17

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                         In March 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory   the Jordan Cove LNG Terminal. The LNG will
                         Commission (FERC) authorised the siting,   be exported by ocean-going vessel to any coun-
                         construction and operation of the Jordan Cove   try with which the United States does not have a
                         LNG Terminal and the related Pacific Connec-  free trade agreement and with which trade is not
                         tor Pipeline.                        prohibited by US law.
                           “Today’s export authorisation for Jordan   “As we work to overcome the [coronavirus]
                         Cove, the first US West Coast LNG project, will   COVID-19 pandemic, LNG exports are going to
                         ease access to further position the US as a top   be one of the building blocks toward the United
                         supplier of LNG around the world,” said Sec-  States’ economic recovery,” said the DOE’s Assis-
                         retary Brouillette. “Today’s issuance to Jordan   tant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg.
                         Cove serves to further expand opportunities   “The US has exported LNG to 38 countries; with
                         for US LNG abroad, particularly in the grow-  this authorisation to Jordan Cove, the US can
                         ing markets of Asia, and encapsulates what the   look to increase that number with expanded
                         Trump Administration has been working hard   geographic coverage for LNG exports into key
                         on for the past three years – providing reliable,   importing markets in Asia, providing enhanced
                         affordable and cleaner-burning natural gas to   economic opportunities both here in the US and
                         our allies around the world.”        globally.”
                           Under the order, Jordan Cove Energy Pro-  The US is currently in its fourth consecutive
                         ject, which is owned by Canada’s Pembina Pipe-  year as a net exporter of natural gas, and it has
                         line Corp., will have the authority to export up   become one of the top global exporters of LNG.
                         to 1.08 bcf ($30.6mn cubic metres) per day per   If built to its authorised capacity, the Jordan
                         day of natural gas as LNG.           Cove LNG Terminal, including the Pacific Con-
                           The project’s natural gas will be sourced from   nector Pipeline, may generate up to $100mn per
                         both Canada and the US and will be liquefied at   year in state and local tax revenue.  ™

       Noia urges Canadian government

       to support offshore operators

                         THE Newfoundland & Labrador Oil & Gas   from groups such as Noia and the Canadian
                         Industries Association (Noia) has called on the   Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP),
                         Canadian government to provide more support   it said.
                         to developers of offshore hydrocarbon fields.  Karen Winsor, the chairperson of Noia’s
                           In a statement, the industry group directed   board, echoed this sentiment. “Minister
                         its request to Seamus O’Regan, Canada’s natural   O’Regan has advocated for and spoken favour-
                         resources minister. It noted that O’Regan had   ably of our industry [and] its role in the global
                         pledged last month to assist oil and gas com-  energy market and [of] how oil produced off-
                         panies that were struggling to remain compet-  shore Newfoundland and Labrador can help
                         itive and to cope with the consequences of the   provide a lower-carbon product to that market,”
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. To date,   she said. “We ask Minister O’Regan’s cabinet
                         the minister has not upheld that commitment,   colleagues to support him and our offshore and
                         it said.                             help the thousands of people who have been
                           “Minister O’Regan was quoted in The Tele-  impacted by this crisis. We need immediate
                         gram on June 4, 2020 during the announcement   action to get people back to work, to remain
                         of the regional assessment as saying that help   globally competitive and to retain the invest-
                         was coming ‘very soon’ for the offshore oil and   ment we have previously attracted to our indus-
                         gas industry,” noted Charlene Johnson, Noia’s   try. We need a show of faith in our future and we
                         CEO. “That was a month ago, and our industry   need it immediately.” ™
                         still faces a crisis that requires assistance from
                         the government of Canada to help it recover
                         from COVID-19. It is time for ‘very soon’ to
                         become now.”
                           The group stressed that O’Regan, along with
                         the Liberal members of the Newfoundland and
                         Labrador Parliament, had repeatedly given clear
                         signs of support for the oil and gas sector. So far,
                         though, that support has not taken the form
                         of “consequential assistance,” despite repeated
                         requests from the provincial government and

       Week 27   09•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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