Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 13

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Court forces shutdown

       of Dakota Access Pipeline

       A US federal judge has ordered the link to be emptied and shut down,

       pending the completion of a new environmental impact statement

                         DALLAS-BASED Energy Transfer is facing   route. Mike Faith, the chairman of the Standing
                         new legal challenges, as a US federal court has   Rock Sioux tribe, called it “a historic day for the
                         ordered it to empty the Dakota Access Pipeline   Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the many people
                         (DAPL) and suspend crude oil flows pending   who have supported us in the fight against the
                         the completion of an environmental review.  pipeline.”
                           Energy Transfer is an intervenor defendant   Faith added: “This pipeline should have
                         in Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. US Army Corps   never been built here. We told them that from
                         of Engineers, a case now being heard before the   the beginning.”
                         US District Court of the District of Columbia.   The ruling has also drawn criticism from
                         That court ruled on July 6 that DAPL could not   many industry players. As Mike Sommers,
                         continue to operate normally while the Army   the CEO of the American Petroleum Institute
                         Corps of Engineers drafted an environmental   (API), claimed on July 6, the court’s decision
                         impact statement (EIS) on the easement that   indicates that “our nation’s outdated and convo-
                         allows a section of the pipeline to pass below the   luted permitting rules are opening the door for a
                         Missouri River at Lake Oahe, which begins in   barrage of baseless, activist-led litigation.”
                         North Dakota.                          Meanwhile, Alex Pourbaix, the CEO of
                           This decision will force the pipeline to shut   Calgary-based Cenovus Energy, said during a
                         down for more than a year. The Army Corps   Toronto-Dominion Bank conference on July 7
                         of Engineers has said it will need 13 months to   that the court’s stance was likely to discourage
                         complete the EIS.                    investment in crucial oil and gas transport infra-
                           Energy Transfer said in a statement on July   structure. “If that would be the new standard, I
                         6 that it intended to contest the court’s decision.   think it’s going to be incredibly difficult for any-
                         “We intend to immediately file a motion to   body to invest in any kind of infrastructure,” he
                         stay this decision and if not granted, to pursue   was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. “If there’s an
                         a stay and expedited appeal with the Court of   opportunity to come back on those regulatory
                         Appeals,” it declared.               decisions years after the fact, I think that’s a real
                           “We believe that the ruling issued this morn-  significant problem.” ™
                         ing ... is not supported by the law or the facts of
                         the case,” the company added. It also said it was
                         “confident that once the law and full record are
                         fully considered, Dakota Access Pipeline will
                         not be shut down and that oil will continue to
                           On July 7, Energy Transfer followed through
                         on its statement, filing an emergency request
                         for reconsideration of the previous day’s ruling.
                         However, a federal judge denied that request.
                           DAPL is capable of pumping 570,000 barrels
                         per day (bpd) of crude from unconventional
                         fields in the Bakken shale formation along a
                         1,172-mile (1,886-km) route through North
                         Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. It
                         terminates at Patoka, the site of a pipeline hub
                         where oil can be diverted to routes that serve
                         other parts of the US market.
                           The court’s decision represents a victory
                         for environmental organisations, which have
                         argued that DAPL poses too many risks. It has
                         also been hailed by indigenous groups, which
                         have protested Energy Transfer’s choice of                     Dakota Access Pipeline/Wikimedia

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