Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 27
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  India’s Petronet LNG says
                                                                                                  its business has recovered
                                                                                                  quickly from the impacts of the
                                                                                                  country’s lockdown and both of
                                                                                                  its regasification terminals are
                                                                                                  now operating at their highest

                           This comes after Indonesia’s LNG consump-
                         tion continued to rise during the second quarter
                         of this year.
                           “The story of Indonesia is consistent with  LNG players is further complicated by the fact
                         Asia’s outlook at large,” a Wood Mackenzie prin-  that new liquefaction capacity continues to come
                         cipal analyst, Lucy Cullen, said during the com-  online. The third train at Freeport LNG recently
                         pany’s Indonesia Virtual Energy Forum. “The  entered service, and Train 3 at Cameron LNG
                         region’s LNG imports will reach 250mn tonnes  has started production ahead of commercial ser-
                         this year, a 2.5% increase compared to last year,  vice later this summer.
                         and could hit 315mn tonnes in 2025. By 2040,   A further three small-scale units at Elba
                         Asia will account for 40% of global gas demand  Island are also due to start up in the coming
                         growth, with Indonesia and its Southeast Asian  weeks. According to the EIA, these start-ups will
                         neighbours being key engines of this growth.”  bringing total US liquefaction capacity to 8.9   The picture for
                           In another positive development on the  bcf (252 mcm) per day of baseload LNG export
                         demand side this week, India’s Petronet LNG  capacity and 10.1 bcf (286 mcm) per day of peak   US LNG players
                         said its business had recovered quickly from the  export capacity.           is further
                         impacts of the country’s lockdown and both of   On top of this, construction continues at Ven-
                         its regasification terminals were now operating  ture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass terminal, and   complicated by
                         at their highest rate.               ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum’s (QP) Golden
                           In a further boost to the LNG industry, the  Pass export facility. The US – and the world –   the fact that
                         company has said it is seeking to enter into a  is not likely to be short of liquefaction capacity
                         long-term supply contract for 1mn tonnes per  anytime soon.               new liquefaction
                         year (tpy) of LNG, with the price indexed to   The Australian government, meanwhile, also   capacity
                         spot market rates. According to Petronet’s CEO,  anticipates that LNG spot prices will weaken fur-
                         Prabhat Singh, a deal is due to be finalised soon  ther, with this having a negative impact on the   continues to
                         – a welcome piece of news at a time where new  country’s exports.
                         long-term supply agreements have been rela-  This comes as Australia continues to compete   come online.
                         tively rare.                         with Qatar for the top spot in global LNG exports
                                                              – with the US having become the third-largest
                         What next?                           exporter of the fuel in 2019.
                         There are fears that despite some fluctuations,   Under these circumstances, exporters will
                         the gas price differentials between Europe and  target potential buyers wherever they can find
                         the US could remain unfavourable for US pro-  them, but price trends may not work in their
                         ducers in the short term. The picture for US  favour over the coming weeks and months.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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