Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 27
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       “We’re delighted to partner with ECOVAP to   At the wellsite, DS MicroSet is attached to  and accessories in-house, DynaEnergetics
       bring their amazing technology to bear on behalf  the perforating string, which also includes per-  ensures unmatched performance and the lowest
       of our customers,” said Mark Ritchie, Tallgrass  forating systems, and a plug. Using DynaEner-  total cost of operations.
       Water’s Co-founder and General Manager. “We  getics’ Infinity Surface Tester, the field engineer   DynaEnergetics, July 08 2020
       piloted this technology at one of our locations,  can confirm that the electrical connections in
       and of all the water treatment technologies we’ve  the setting tool and other perforating-string
       evaluated over the years this is by far the most  components are operational. Once the string is  PERFORMANCE
       exciting. It’s unique, it’s simple and it works – for  deployed and reaches a predetermined depth in
       municipal and industrial applications as well as  the well, the DS MicroSet power charge is initi-  Cordy Oilfield Services
       energy. Most important, its low environmental  ated from surface using DynaEnergetics’ Infinity
       footprint aligns with Tallgrass Water’s commit-  Control Panel, and the plug setting sequence is   releases Q1-2020 results
       ment to operating in a responsible and sustain-  commenced.
       able manner.”                          The single-use tool is fully disposable, reduc-  For the three-month period ended March 31,
         “In today’s business climate, who you partner  ing time and labor associated with reclaiming  2020, Cordy’s consolidated revenues increased
       with can be your most valuable strategic asset  and redressing standard setting tools. DS Micro-  by 48% from the comparative period in 2019.
       and we found a great partner with Tallgrass and  Set is the most compact setting tool available,  Cordy’s consolidated operating earnings
       their team,” said Jason Mendenhall, ECOVAP’s  and does not require a firing head. It is designed  increased $500,000 or 49% from the compar-
       Chief Executive Officer. “Their world-class  to perform seamlessly with DynaEnergetics’ DS  ative period. Cordy’s net income was $900,000
       people, operations and resources will bring the  perforating systems, and is compatible with vir-  for the three months ended March 31, 2020, as
       ECOVAP technology to market more quickly  tually any third-party plug.   compared to $300,000mn for the three months
       and effectively. We look forward to making a   DS Liberator is a ballistic release tool (BRT)  ended March 31, 2019, representing a 199%
       positive impact on their customers.”  that enables the wireline service company to dis-  increase over the prior period.
         Tallgrass Energy, LP is a growth-oriented  engage from a perforating string that has become   The Environmental Services segment saw
       midstream energy infrastructure company  stuck in the well bore. The patent-pending tool  a significant increase in revenue for the three-
       operating across 11 states with transportation,  is installed at the top of the perforating string,  month period ended March 31, 2020, from the
       storage, terminal, water, gathering and process-  and enables the service company to pull to the  comparative period in 2019. The increase was
       ing assets that serve some of the nation’s most  safest working load of the cable while attempt-  directly related to market share gains in the oil
       prolific crude oil and natural gas basins.  ing to free the string. If the increased tension is  and gas sector. Cordy’s revenue consisted of 82%
         ECOVAP is a pioneer in innovative wastewa-  insufficient, an explosive release mechanism in  oilfield services (2019 – 43%) in Q1. Overall,
       ter solutions. The ECOVAP Evaporative Matrix™  DS Liberator can be activated, leaving a clean,  operating earnings increased 49%. As a percent-
       is a biomimicry wastewater solution that radi-  retrievable neck onto which fishing equipment  age of revenue, operating earnings remained at
       cally improves the sustainability of an opera-  can be attached. The tool, which is reusable until  19% in 2020 as compared to 19% in 2019.
       tion. Unlike traditional approaches, ECOVAP  activated, is triggered with DynaEnergetics’   Cordy’s results for the current quarter were
       harnesses the power of Mother Nature to dra-  Intrinsically Safe, wire-free IS2 TF initiator. At  consistent with our expectations, despite the
       matically accelerate evaporation, reducing costs,  12-inches in length, DS Liberator is the indus-  major negative impact the COVID-19 virus
       environmental risks and complexity.  try’s most compact BRT.             had on economic activity, and Cordy’s business,
       Tallgrass Energy, July 08 2020         “Both of these products perform critical  starting in mid-March. The Company’s opti-
                                           functions at opposite ends of a perforating string,  mism and initial forecast for a much improved
       DynaEnergetics expands              and also represent a significant advancement in  2020 has quickly soured as measures enacted to
                                           product design, safety and performance ver-
                                                                                prevent the spread of the virus have resulted in
       portfolio of well perforating       sus competing well-perforating tools,” said Ian  global business disruption with significant eco-
                                           Grieves, president of DynaEnergetics. “Consist-
                                                                                nomic repercussions. These events are expected
       solutions                           ent with our family of DS perforating systems,  to continue to negatively impact Cordy’s busi-
                                           DS MicroSet and DS Liberator enable customers  ness for the remainder of 2020.
       DynaEnergetics, a business of DMC Global,  to simplify their business models. In addition to   Despite the COVID-19 related challenges,
       today announced the addition of DS MicroSet  streamlining their vendor lists, customers can  the Corporation believes its unique capital struc-
       and DS Liberator to its family of Factory-As-  minimise their reliance on storage and assem-  ture, whereas its debt agreements contain no
       sembled, Performance-Assured™ well-perforat-  bly infrastructure, reduce inventory and supply  financial covenants, and government programs,
       ing products. These highly differentiated tools  chain resources, and lower their investments in  in particular the Canadian Emergency Wage
       increase DynaEnergetics’ total addressable mar-  working capital.”       Subsidy, greatly enhance its ability to manage
       ket within North America’s onshore unconven-  Grieves added, “These new products reflect  through the economic uncertainty.
       tional oil and gas industry by an estimated 20%.  our ongoing efforts to advance the unconven-  Management believes the overall impact
         The patent-pending DS MicroSet is a com-  tional oil and gas industry from hand assembling  and influence of the current economic condi-
       pact, disposable setting tool used to install the  components in the field to deploying factory-as-  tions will continue to have a negative on impact
       plugs that isolate stages in a multi-stage, uncon-  sembled well perforating systems that deliver a  on demand for the Company’s services for the
       ventional oil or gas well. Like all of DynaEner-  step change improvement in safety, performance  remainder of 2020. The quantum of the impact
       getics’ DS products, it is delivered directly to  and profitability.”    remains highly uncertain and will be directly
       the customers’ wellsite or staging location fully   DynaEnergetics’ innovative perforating sys-  correlated to the capital spending of the Compa-
       assembled, quality assured and ready for deploy-  tems make a measurable impact on well pro-  ny’s customers. Management has taken several
       ment. It includes a pre-installed power charge,  ductivity, completion cost and safety. As the only  steps, including implementing aggressive oper-
       and can be armed in seconds with a wire-free,  global perforating manufacturer that designs,  ating cost reductions, revising terms of its lease
       Intrinsically Safe™ IS2™ IG Plug and Go™ igniter.  manufactures and qualifies all of its equipment  and lending agreements, and participating in

       Week 27   09•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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