Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 43 2021
P. 11

LatAmOil                                      VENEZUEL A                                           LatAmOil

                                                          Argentina’s Escobar LNG terminal (Image: Excelerate Energy)

                         This programme calls for the national oil com-  per day of gas to Cammesa, the heavily regulated
                         pany (NOC) YPF to invest $1.8bn in production   private company that manages the wholesale
                         over a period of three years.        power market, and distributors during the win-
                           It also involves a four-year tender scheme   ter months between 2021 and 2024. That was
                         under which producers will be able to offer   below the 70 mcm per day that the government
                         gas to the market at a price of up to $3.70 per   had hoped to secure, so Buenos Aires subse-
                         mmBtu. The tenders will allow for the purchase   quently conducted a smaller-scale follow-up
                         of up to 70 mcm per day of gas, equivalent to   round.
                         just over half of Argentina’s current production.  The Gas Plan is anticipated to save Argen-
                           In the first round of the Gas Plan, which was   tina around $5bn in imports to cover seasonal
                         held last year, sellers offered to deliver 63.6 mcm   demand, officials have said. ™

       Sinopec to launch new drilling

       campaign at Sacha oilfield soon

                         ECUADOR’S Minister of Energy and Non-Re-
                         newable Resources Juan Carlos Bermeo has
                         reported that Sinopec, the state-owned Chinese
                         major, is gearing up to launch a new drilling pro-
                         gramme at Sacha, a section of Block 60 in the
                         north-eastern part of the country.
                           Speaking to reporters last week, Bermeo said
                         that Sinopec intended to drill 25 new wells at the
                         field within the next 15 months. The company
                         will sink four new wells before the end of 2021
                         and then drill another 21 wells in 2022, he said.
                           This drilling campaign is expected to push
                         Sacha’s oil production levels up by 20,000 barrels         Sinopec drilling rig in Ecuador (Image: Sinopec)
                         per day (bpd), he added. The field is currently
                         yielding about 65,000 bpd, he said.  might be worth as much as $1bn.
                           Sinopec won the right to negotiate a contract   The Sacha field lies within Block 60, located
                         for development of Sacha in August of this year   in the Orellana province. It is believed to hold
                         and then finalised an agreement with PetroE-  around 350mn barrels of crude and has been in
                         cuador, the national oil company (NOC), the   production for more than 45 years. Ecuadorean
                         following month. The terms of the deal have not   officials said last year that efforts to raise output
                         been disclosed, but representatives of Ecuador’s   levels there might require investments of around
                         Finance Ministry said earlier this year that it   $900mn.

       Week 43   28•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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